Preferred Member Spotlight - City of Deltona
Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust
We are a member owned insurance risk pool serving Florida's public entities since 1999.
Preferred would like to recognize the City of Deltona, FL for upgrading their City Hall lobby furniture to comply with ADA guidelines. The upgrades provide additional support while maintaining the necessary clear space needed for persons using a wheelchair to wait in the lobby.
In addition, armrests added to the chairs provide support to those with physical impairments. These ADA requirements in buildings support safety by ensuring accessibility for individuals with disabilities and not only promote inclusivity, but help provide access to services and safe evacuation, if necessary.
Upgrades also included a wheelchair accessible counter in addition to a clear space for those in wheelchairs to use while waiting.
Nice work, City of Deltona!
If you have questions or concerns regarding ADA exposures, contact your Regional Preferred Loss Control Consultant. In addition, ADA resources are available for free on the Preferred Risk Management Resource Center for those members that have their EPLI coverage with Preferred.