Preferential access, the GSP+ framework, and the global digital transformation
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
An Uzbek-language article just this morning contained the following quote:
? O‘z nutqida Laziz Kudratov O‘zbekiston va Xorvatiya o‘rtasidagi hamkorlikni faollashtirishning ahamiyatini alohida ta?kidlab, Yevropa bozorlariga “GSP+” tizimi orqali preferensial kirish imkoniyatlaridan samarali foydalanish zarurligini qayd etdi. Shuningdek, global raqamli transformatsiya davrida mavjud resurslar va imkoniyatlardan to‘liq foydalanish muhim ekanligini ta?kidladi.
(Translation by Echtralex)
In his speech, Laziz Kudratov emphasized the importance of fostering cooperation between Uzbekistan and Croatia. He emphasized the need to effectively utilize Uzbekistan’s opportunities for preferential access to European markets under the “GSP+” framework and to fully leverage the existing resources and possibiities in the era of global digital transformation.
There are a few vocabulary points worth noting:
Based on a variety of available translations, there is need to update the UED:
ta'kidlamoq / таъкидламо? v. to stress, to emphasize ? U asarning judayam mohirona sahnalashtirilganligini alohida ta’kidladi. He spoke, in particular, to emphasize that the work had been masterfully rendered on the stage. ? Val-odiyot surasida janglarda matonat ko'rsatadigan chopqir otlar nomiga qasamyod etish bilan Alloh taolo ba'zi noshukur insonlarning o'z xoliqiga itoatsiz, dunyoparast ekanliklarini ta'kidlaydi. Swearing in the name of the fast-running horses that show their resolve on the field of battle, God the Almighty stresses the worldliness of those ungrateful people who have no regard for their creator in the Adiyat Sura. ? Olimlar bunday ajoyib-g'aroyib hodisalarni kuzatish juda katta ilmiy ahamiyatga egaligini ta'kidlaydilar. Scholars stressed the tremendous academic significance of observing such fascinating phenomenon. ? Jabrlanuvchining ta'kidlashicha, ketma-ket murojaatlardan so'ng ayblanuvchining aybdorlik darajasi o'rganilmayoq, amnistiya to'g'risidagi Prezident farmoni asosida ish harakatdan to'xtatilgan. According to what has been emphasized by the plaintiff, after nonstop appeals, the case has been halted by a presidential amnesty order issued before the extent of the defendant's guilt came to light.
Here are the current sources for the quote: