Preference Matrix
Preference Matrix talks about an individual’s attitude towards task and how the how the work falls under a quadrant.
General tendency of people is to postpone perceived difficult tasks and settle down to doing easy tasks.
Based on this attitude 4 major categories are arrived at for easy understanding.
COMPULSIONS: must & don’t’ like
Tasks that fall under this category are important tasks not being done on time due lack of focus or interest. The postponement resulted in being made an urgent task and so compelled to do it under pressure. The task being done under compulsion, there is a tendency to dislike it while doing and one wants to get a sense of relief after completion.
COMMITMENTS: must and like
Commitment is a self-imposed compulsion or a willful undertaking of a task. Doing the task itself is a reward.?Hence the individual does with an attitude of focus interest enthusiasm and energy.
Tasks which come under this quadrant are useful tasks with rewards for completion. The individual is proactive and dynamic in doing the task within deadline.
People with leadership quality focus on this quadrant. They are self-organized self-regulated individuals. Emotionally intelligent leaders are committed leaders.
OBLIGATIONS: not must and don’t like
Nonassertive people end up doing tasks that are for obligation. Colleagues, friends, and contacts make a request or seek support. The individual does not like to do due to the demands of current context and at the same time does not have the will to say no. He does with a dislike. There is a suffocation within.
The person does not do with pleasure because he is returning a favor or extending help. At the same time, he could not say no either.
INDULGENCE: not must and like
Disoriented people take to indulgence. They spend time on tasks of least importance, and they do it with pleasure. They fake to be busy and spend time in nonproductive tasks.
Indulgence attitude need to be eliminated and with proper training commitment needs to be installed in them.?