【PreEMPT (Preterm Infant Early Intervention for Movement and Participation Trial): The Feasibility of a Novel, Participation-Focused Early Physiother
Read full article: https://tinyurl.com/ycvomur6
Article by Chelsea A. Mobbs, et al., from The University of Queensland (Australia), etc.
#Preterm_infants, those who are born prior to 37 weeks completed gestation, experience a higher risk of neurodevelopmental delay and disability in motor developmental domains compared to their term-born peers. As such, #early_intervention is often recommended to improve outcomes. This paper outlines the theoretical background and design for a feasibility study of an assessor-blind RCT comparing a novel early #participation-focused physiotherapy intervention (PreEMPT: Preterm infant Early intervention for Movement and Participation Trial) for preterm infants with usual #physiotherapy care in a regional Australian context.