A Predictive Testable Hypothesis for the Existence of the Human Soul Using Gravitational Waves
Here we have the next step in the development of thought based on the idea that gravity is not proportional to mass, but is in fact a created thing. The first instance of gravity is the one that God created to initiate of the formation of the earth. God created other instances of gravity to form the sun, moon and stars. It would seem that it is possible for God to create gravity that is specific to certain molecules, such as Hydrogen, as in the case of the sun.
God creates instances of gravity, each with a specific quantity and frequency, that determines the characteristics of the resultant stellar body.
When talking about the human soul science has a simple response: it can't be detected, therefore it doesn't exist. However, we have only recently begun to detect gravity, and our instrumentation is so crude at this point that it is believed that it is only sensitive enough to be able to detect the collisions of black holes.
Black holes are a fictional contrivance of theoretical science. Our observations tell us that the earth is at the center and the universe should be collapsing, so the scientific narrative of godless existence has many contrivances like black holes to make it seem like everything is fine, don't worry about it.
Obviously in a created universe there has to be another explanation. If we then go on to consider that each human soul may also represent an instance of gravity, there is a test that we can do to investigate this connection. There is also a prediction.
Now we have a scientific test for the existence of the human soul. This also happens to be a predictive testable hypothesis for the existence of hell.
This episode we also started experimenting with sound effects, and with having the delightful Siri as the announcer.