Predictive Maintenance Of Machine Centre For SAP Supply Chain Management

Predictive Maintenance Of Machine Centre For SAP Supply Chain Management

Predictive Maintenance Of Machine Centre

The goal of every company that is prodigy maintenance aims at maximising the availability of machine tools. Poor maintenance strategy may reduce the life of the specific machine tool. When any machine tool is being traded then through maintenance its life can be extended otherwise it will get useless after some point of time.?

Without maintenance machines can lead to severe damage owing to wear and tear of parts. Resulting in downtown could be more time consuming and expensive. Whereas regular maintenance can make machines more reliable and useful in the long run.

In this blog we will discuss predictive maintenance to break these tradeoffs.?

Machining Centres

A CNC machining centers is an advanced machine that can perform a variety of operations with high quality, high precision and high surface finish. CNC machines can perform milling, drilling and lathe operations.?

Businesses which deal in partitions, frames, covers etc need machines for their operations. These machines help in providing finished goods in a most efficient manner. Similarly these machines save cost and delivery time.? CNC machines are said to be more useful as many operations such as milling, drilling or lathe operations can be performed by a single machine.?

Intelligent Platform Services

Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) allows manufacturers to create a smart environment that works on the following components-

  • To capture information from the sensors to create a digital record of the physical operations.
  • Advanced analytics and visualisation of real time data.
  • Apply an algorithm through which digital language can be translated and can be used in the physical world.
  • Edge computing brings compute intensive and latency sensitive applications closer to the end users for making real time decisions.
  • Enterprise mobility solutions provide information that are important and relevant by unlocking values at the backend data and delivering user centric actionable data.

Application of IIOT Machine Center

In today's date every machine needs regular maintenance for enhancement of its life. Predictive maintenance using IIOT technology can be the perfect answer to all the uncertainties of preventive maintenance.

Spindle vibrations, coolant temperatures are all examples of machines that required regular maintenance. IIOT will also translate these data points into actionable tasks for the crew to perform at the machining center.


Predictive maintenance such as IIOT can be an answer to the great challenges that are faced by the maintenance team in the manufacturing industry, and whether to adopt maintenance strategy and preventive maintenance strategies to prevent machines from failures.

Therefore industries have shifted from preventive maintenance strategies to predictive machine centers to prevent their machines from failures. These maintenance strategies are cost effective and can be adopted by any industry for the prevention of loss or failures of their machines.?

Predictive maintenance such as IOT can be adopted to maintain heavy types of equipment such as oil rigs, rolling mills in steel plants, turbines in power plants etc.



