Predictions for FTC non-compete rule implementation July 8, 2024



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Predictions for FTC non-compete rule implementation

July 8, 2024


Predictions for FTC non-compete rule implementation


We still don’t know the final word on the FTC non-complete ban that is scheduled to go into effect in September 2024. While I predicted it was unlikely to become effective then, or ever, that prediction became even more likely when the US Supreme Court stroke down what is called the “Chevron Deference”. In simple terms the Chevron case over 40 years ago since 1984 held that judges should give deference to administrative agencies when interpreting statutes. Just like the FTC deciding non-competes violate laws [I won’t bother to figure out which ones]. The FTC ruling has already been challenged. The judges hearing the challenges would have been faced with the FTC argument that it, not the judge, should interpret the laws and the judge should give “great deference” to what the FTC thinks the law should be. Of course the FTC, like other administrative agencies, [those in Wash DC and those in every state capital] are really a collection of people who collectively comprise the makeup of Big Brother. They are not elected; they are, for the most part, unknown, but over the past decades have lead the body of laws and enforcement in the US down what is commonly called a “liberal path”. The US Supreme Court has ended the Chevron rule. The case just decided, Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo, rejected and overturns Chevron and ends what the New York Law Journal writes that conservative scholars, judges and business groups describe as “the unfair advantage enjoyed by federal bureaucrats in fights over regulations surrounding the environment, the financial sector, health care cases and other entities”.

Justice Kagan, one of the liberal dissenting justices complained that the decision “put judges in control of “every sphere of government and “to expect courts, and in particular this court [the US Supreme Court], to play a leading role” in public policy fights. “It puts courts at the apex of administrative process as to every conceivable subject”.

Kagen forgot to also mention that judges may have to do their job. The majority Justices agreed with Chief Judge Roberts that “Administrative Procedure Act requires courts to exercise their “independent judgment “in deciding whether an agency has acted legally”

Ultimately I think the FTC rule will be found unenforceable, but I’m not the judge.


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