PREDICTIONS [ 2024 Elections]
The 2024 National Elections are the most Important elections In the history of South Africa. Should a Democratic Party Win .South Africa will become the most prosporous and most Unified nation in Africa, In Contrast should a Communist or Military Party take power, South Africa will become an Economically Depressed state overrun by poverty ,civil war and Autocracy.
PREDICTION 1 The Democratic ALLIANCE: Should the Democratic Alliance win the elections, South Africa will definitely look like Europe. South Africa will see Economic Growth that has never been seen in years , Youth Unemployment will decrease, Loadshedding would end , Eskom would go through a liquidation process and South Africa will be respected globally for their economic success. South Africa needs a President of White decent mainly to fight against Corruption, Crime and Unemployment. Black/African leaders lack the political will and enthusiasm to change the country of South Africa and Black/African young leaders lack the Wisdom and Knowledge to save South Africa.
PREDICTION 2 African National Congress : The " Governing " Party of South Africa, Should the ANC win the elections. South Africa will be dead in the water Literally. South Africa will declare bankruptcy, The Water Crisis will be worsened , Loadshedding will persist and a Civil War between the MK Party and The A.N.C will breakout. The Leaders of The A.N.C and M.K Party are both Ignorant, Selfish, Corrupt , Vindictive and Autocrats . They do not care about the people of South Africa.
PREDICTION 3: Economic Freedom Fighters : This is the biggest threat to South Africa, Israel and the entire civilised world. Should Julius Malema become president, South Africa will go to hell. South African Jews would be expelled , White Farmers would be killed, South Africa would give military aid to Palestine and freedom of speech will be killed many times over. Julius Malema lacks the common sense to lead a post Apartheid country, he is like an 8 year old with a toy gun, he just wants to "shoot " everything that moves. Julius Malema has been known to be a known supporter of Vladimir Putin, He is an Anti Semite and a Racist. He publicly called for the end of Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu, Called Elon Musk a "Shit Face" and sang Racist Chants calling for the killing of Afrikaner people. A South Africa lead by Julius Malema would be like living In North Korea..No Freedom of speech, No Freedom of Press , and No Freedom of association.
PREDICTION 4 MK PARTY: The " Newly formed" political PARTY: which was also a military wing of The ANC is known to support terror. They have the most extreme right wing views which could leave South Africa Isolated on a Global Stage, Sanctioned and Impoverished. Voting MK would lead to a violent destruction of South Africa.