Predictability Means Liveability

Predictability Means Liveability

We’re feeling our quotes today. A recent article in NBC Mach about climate change brought to mind a lyric from The Eagles. The song: “The Last Resort”. The place: Well, California, of course. 

They called it paradise, I don’t know why.

You call some place paradise, kiss it goodbye. 

The Eagles “Hotel California” album came out in 1976 and the ensuing years have not been kind to the state. Wildfires have destroyed woodlands, homes and towns. Mudslides have done immense damage. Aside from ecology, the cost of living has become stratospheric, exceeded only by the endless traffic. The LA Times says, “Natural disaster is inevitable in California.” It’s been predicted by a study published in Nature that “as many as 13.1 million Americans would be displaced from coastal areas by the end of this century because of rising sea levels.” We don’t know if that includes L.A., San Diego, Santa Barbara and San Francisco. 

If California isn’t paradise and the last resort, then what is? Would you believe Buffalo? As in upstate New York. As in a place where two months a year, the temperature doesn’t rise above freezing and can go as low as zero. As in average annual snowfall above 90”. That Buffalo. The NBC Mach article has to do with cities whose weather has remained unchanged for decades. It seems predictability means livability. 

As for feeling my quotes today, what now comes to mind is this one from the musical A Chorus Line: “Committing suicide in Buffalo is redundant.” 

So, if not Buffalo, where? Well, there’s Duluth, Minnesota. 

Read about it here:

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