Precise measurement of gait parameters with stappone

Precise measurement of gait parameters with stappone

Walking speed is a key indicator of the walking ability. To evaluate the walking ability it is important to measure the spatiotemporal parameters of walking such as speed, stride length and cadence. Until now, this was only possible by observation and calculations and lacked accuracy or having to use a time consuming and expensive gait laboratory. STAPPONE Medical offers a revolutionary solution for this problem.

The measurement of the walking speed is not only used to detect diseases and malpositions, but is also used to study the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions: “Several independent studies showed that the walking speed is directly related to the degree of improvement in walking, as it gives direct evidence of locomotor muscle power* and […] propelling force, among other factors.”1

Spatiotemporal parameters of walking

In addition to speed, the parameters stride length and cadence are decisive measurements.

Stride length refers to the length of two steps, which is 1.4m on average. From the stride length, indications of the functionality of the locomotive motor or the duration of the swing phase can be derived. 2

Cadence, on the other hand, refers to the number of steps per minute. When walking, the two lower extremities oscillate at a certain frequency inversely proportional to their length. In general, it can be said that shorter people have a higher cadence. The normal range is 100-130 steps/min. 3

Determine gait parameters quickly and objectively

There are several ways to determine the necessary parameters. All of them work quite well, but involve more or less complex calculations. For example, the stride length is calculated from path (m) x 2 / required steps. This is not complicated, but time-consuming.

STAPPONE Medical is the perfect digital medtech tool for exactly this purpose. It consists of the intelligent stappone sensor soles and the corresponding software. The sensor soles are simply inserted into comfortable shoes and wirelessly measure the foot pressure load of their wearers.

The software provides a real time live biofeedback of the foot pressure load and body center of gravity as well as exact information on other relevant parameters such as speed, stride length and cadence.

STAPPONE Medical not only supports doctors in diagnosing a disease or malpositions, but also serves to determine how effective a therapy is. On this basis, therapy success can be made visible to the patient and the therapy can be evaluated and if necessary adapted at an early stage.

Do you have questions about the use of STAPPONE Medical? Contact us! We are always at your disposal.

*Musculoskeletal system

1 G?tz-Neumann, Kirsten. Gehen verstehen. Ganganalyse in der Physiotherapie. S. 34

2 G?tz-Neumann, Kirsten. Gehen verstehen. Ganganalyse in der Physiotherapie. S. 35

3 G?tz-Neumann, Kirsten. Gehen verstehen. Ganganalyse in der Physiotherapie. S. 36



