At the Precipice
We have arrived at a frightening precipice in the wake of 11 murdered in a synagogue solely because they are Jewish, following the murder of two African Americans in a grocery store by another hater after the shooter could not enter a black church. This was within days after potentially deadly bombs were sent to over a dozen leaders around the nation. We are flooded now with such news - not “fake” news, but alarming news.
Last week, The Common Good brought together five of the best in political analysis, journalism and strategy to size up the midterm elections coming in less than a week - possibly one of the most consequential elections of our time. Here is the introduction of that night - a message even more relevant today.
“We have an audience tonight who wants to hear about our next election - our next chance to support policies to create or to change, our next opportunity to practice that almost sacred duty in that big collective exercise which underpins the great American experiment of democracy - the right to have your voice heard, the right to VOTE.
But I believe also that you are here tonight because you know what matters. You know - and, as we also say at The Common Good - is that IDEAS matter -- that the reasoned discussion of existing problems is essential. Our events and our guests at The Common Good debate established solutions and also raise new ideas, planting the seeds in the ground from which concepts can germinate, sprout and grow.
You are here because many of you are part of the cadre of leaders in the city, the state, or the country that move those ideas that shape our outcomes. We salute your engagement - from both sides and the middle of the aisle. But for now, let us put aside which end - or the center - of the political spectrum you place yourself. Because rhetoric and events of recent days and months have heightened feelings and sown fear.
Because now, more than ever, with bombs being sent through the mail to current and former government officials and citizens, threatening loss of limb or life apparently for political reasons, we need to PAUSE.
With repeated attacks against the press, calling one of the great pillars of democracy - the members of the 4th estate - ‘enemies of the people’, we need to STOP.
With recurring ambushes to call out leaders trying to have a meal -- I understand the sentiment -- but we need to THINK.
With ideas come passions, squabbles and discord, and, as recent events show - even conflict and violence. But intolerance and incivility is too slippery a slope.
That is why here at The Common Good we have called for, and demanded since our inception, that we listen to each other.
That we understand hyper-partisanship is too often toxic.
That we ask that our leaders - really all of us all -- adhere to a basic code of civility, respect for one another, and integrity and good faith as we deal with others. That is just common sense.
It is not just the earth that is getting hotter. The politics of division has hit higher and hotter temperatures that we cannot accept. It simply cannot be “us versus them” or zero-sum political calculations all the time.
Now to be honest, some obviously need to check their tone more than others, but it is time to do so - now - and it is incumbent upon us to call for discordant leaders and fellow citizens to do better now, to look inward, if needed; to face our most pressing problems without distractions meant for political advantage.
And recognize that we can’t do better out of hatred and division. Our America thrives on possibility, on looking to a brighter future and building it together. I believe you are here because despite the alarums -- you believe in hope for America. And you know that our situation today requires each of us to each do our part and make sure others do theirs -- starting with that most basic building block -- VOTING. Let us not accept division, bigotry, and hate. Tonight let us celebrate that magnificent and essential democratic right to cast a ballot by discussing our coming election.”
We welcome Gloria Borger, David Gergen, Ann Lewis, Nate Silver, Gerald Seib and Governor Haley Barbour.