Precious Memories.

September 11, 2001, twenty years ago, there was an attack on this country that will live in our memories forever. As we pause to reflect and honor the lost lives, let us also remember the togetherness that was felt that day and days that would follow. This country came together as one nation; there was an outpouring of love for one another in a spirit of oneness.

As this county pause to reflect on that day in love for our fellow man, I pray that we maintain that same love and togetherness as we are one nation under God and are members of the human race.?

America, we are stronger together and united in love; therefore, let us never forget that day and our fellow Americans who sacrificed so much for our freedom and Democracy.?

On that day (September 11, 2011), we were attacked by the enemy from the outside; let us not be attacked and destroyed by the enemy (Satan) from within who is bringing all manner of evilness upon us. America, my prayer is that we turn back to God and repent of our sins, and He will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). America, keep God at the forefront of our lives, and Satan outside or within will not defeat us because love is the tapestry that will bind us together forever.

Let me close by using these words from the song the same title; Precious Memories by Aretha Franklin, “Precious memories, how they linger, how they ever flood my soul. In the stillness of the midnight. Precious, sacred scenes unfold.”

Precious Memories.

Comments are welcome.

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?All rights reserved, September 11, 2021

Rev. Dr. Willie B. White


