Eric Lofholm
I am the president of Eric Lofholm International, the president of Being Movement International, and soon to also be the president of The Hunger Company
I have an incredible idea to share with you today. It's a concept that I learned at a seminar that I invested about $2,000 to go to and it was the best idea that I learned at that seminar! It was about 10 years ago that I learned the idea. That's what's great about these golden nuggets…you learn one idea and you have the benefit of that idea for the rest of your life and that concept is called, 'Precession'.
It was taught to me this way from Buckminister Fuller, one of the greatest leaders of all time came up with this concept called Precession. He called it “a generalized principal”. A generalized principal is a principal that works in every case. It doesn't work some of the time. It doesn't work most of the time. It works all of the time!
A simple way of explaining the actual definition of Precession is bodies in motion effecting bodies in motion. A simple way of explaining that is unexpected things that happen when you take action towards a goal. According to Bucky Fuller, precession is happening all around us all the time. So as I’m writing this article right now precession is happening. In other words, there's my goal for publishing this article and then there’s other unexpected things that are going to happen as people start reading the content.
Think of it like this, I call it the Dr. Phil way to success. Dr. Phil has his own talk show and he's a celebrity and a best-selling author but Dr. Phil wasn't always a household name and how Dr. Phil became the famous Dr. Phil that we all know today is Oprah Winfrey got sued by the Cattle Association. They said, "Oprah makes statements, negative statements about beef that caused beef sales to go down." So, the Cattle Association sued her. Now, she had to defend herself in a Texas court where cattle is the industry down there and where the judges and the attorneys belong to the same country club and she's African American. A wealthy African American from the city coming down to Texas. So, she hired Dr. Phil to act as a mindset coach, to assist her in a pretty stressful time.
The goal of hiring Dr. Phil was to assist Oprah Winfrey with her mindset going through this whole court process. Dr. Phil created so much value for Oprah Winfrey that she said, as a precessional effect, "Dr. Phil, would you like to be on the Oprah show?" And he said, "That sounds great," so he came on the Oprah show and he added so much value she said, "Would you like to come back again?" And he said, "That sounds great," and he added so much value when he came back again, she said, "Would you like your own segment?" As a precessional effect, an unexpected thing that happened as a result of Dr. Phil being on the Oprah Winfrey show as a guest and then he added so much value with his own segment, Oprah Winfrey said, "Would you like to have your own show?"
So, think about this…how did the result happen of Dr. Phil getting his own show? It all traced back to Oprah Winfrey hiring him to be her mindset coach. When he became her mindset coach, his goal was not to get his own nationally syndicated T.V. show. You see, it happened as a precessional effect. So, keep taking action. Take action based on faith because as you're taking that action, precession is kicking in. If every time you made a prospecting call, asked for a referral or read an article and if you knew that precession was happening, that would motivate you to take even more action!
Make it a great day!
Eric Lofholm
Eric Lofholm is a sales trainer, author, and business coach. He is President and CEO of Eric Lofholm International, Inc., an organization he founded to professionally train people on the art and science of selling. Eric began his career as a sales failure. At his first sales job he was put on quota probation after failing to meeting the minimum quota two months in a row. It was at this point that Eric met his sales mentor. After being professionally trained Eric achieved his quota and eventually become the top producer at that company. Eric went on to become the top producer at 2 more companies prior to starting Eric Lofholm International.
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