Precast Quality System as per PCI MNL 116

Precast Quality System as per PCI MNL 116

1.1 Objective -

Quality control shall be an accepted and functioning part of the plant operation. Overall product quality results from individual as well as corporate efforts. Plant management must make a commitment to quality before quality programs can be effectively adopted or implemented at the operational level. Management shall establish a corporate standard of quality based on uniform practices in all stages of production, and shall require strict observance of such practices by all levels of personnel.

1.2 Plant Quality Assurance Program

The plant shall implement and maintain a documented quality assurance program in addition to this manual. Each plant shall have a unique Plant Quality System

Manual based on operations at that facility.

The Plant Quality System Manual shall, as a minimum, cover the following:

a. Management commitment to quality.

b. Organizational structure and relationships, responsibilities, and qualifications of key personnel.

c. Management review of the quality assurance program at regular intervals, not to exceed one year, to ensure its continuing suitability and effectiveness. This review will include handling of non-conformances, corrective actions, and response to customer complaints.

d. Plant facilities in the form of a plant layout that notes allocation of areas, services, machinery, and equipment.

e. Purchasing procedures for quality control compliance that includes project specification review for specific requirements.

f. Identification of training needs and provisions for training personnel in quality assurance requirements.

g. Control, calibration, and maintenance of necessary inspection, measuring, and test apparatus.

h. Uniform methods for reporting (including sample forms), reviewing, and maintaining records. Each precast concrete unit shall be uniquely identified to a specific set of applicable quality control records.

i. Standards for shop (erection and production) drawings to ensure accuracy and uniform interpretation of instructions for manufacturing and handling.

j. Procedures for review and dissemination of project specific requirements to production and quality control personnel.

1.2.2 Documented Procedures

Control of documented procedures and data, relative to the effective functioning of the quality assurance program, shall cover as a minimum:

a. Inspecting and verifying purchased materials for conformance with specification requirements. Vendors shall be required to submit proof of compliance for both materials and workmanship.

b. Sampling methods and frequency of tests.

c. Checking and approval of shop drawings.

d. Inspecting and verifying the accuracy of dimensions.

e. Procedures for, and inspection of batching, mixing, placing, consolidating, curing, and finishing concrete.

f. Procedures for, and inspection of concrete repair, handling, storing, and loading of finished products.

g. Inspection of the placement and quantity of reinforcement, cast-in-place appurtenances, and block-outs.

h. Inspection of tensioning operations to ensure conformance with specified procedures.

i. Mix design preparation and evaluation.

j. Sampling and testing of materials and fresh concrete.

k. Inspection of detensioning and stripping procedures.

l. Inspection of finished products for conformance with the shop drawings, and other project requirements, such as approved samples when stipulated.

m. Repair procedures for non-compliant conditions.

n. Preparing and maintaining complete quality control records.

o. Maintenance and calibration requirements (items and frequency) of plant equipment that may affect product quality.

1.2.3 Management Responsibilities

Plant management shall establish and support fundamental quality control requirements. These include, but are not limited to:

a. A corporate standard of quality.

b. A written Plant Quality System Manual which establishes a uniform order or practice for all manufacturing operations.

c. Personnel, whose primary function is quality control, with direct responsibility to the general manager or chief engineer.

d. An acceptance program for finished products prior to shipping.

e. Uniform methods for reporting, reviewing, and keeping records. Each precast concrete unit produced shall be traceable to a specific set of applicable quality control records.

f. Engineering operations to ensure compliance with the required codes, standards, specifications, and in-plant performance requirements.

1.3 Personnel

Each plant shall have personnel qualified to perform the functions of the various positions outlined in this section. Personnel responsibilities, and the relationship between quality control, engineering, and production, shall be established and clearly defined.

At least one individual in the plant organization shall be certified as a Level II Technician/Inspector in the PCI Quality Control Personnel Certification program.

1.3.2 Engineering

Plants shall have available the services of a registered professional engineer experienced in the design of precast concrete. The precast engineer shall prescribe design policies for precast concrete elements and be competent to review designs prepared by others.

The precast engineer shall be responsible for prescribing or approving methods and procedures for: tensioning, computations and measurements for elongations, measurements for camber and deflections, compensations for operational stress variations, and any other functions related to prestressing that may affect the quality of the product.

1.3.3 Drafting

Plants shall utilize experienced personnel competent to prepare shop (production and erection) drawings in general accordance with the PCI Drafting Handbook -Precast and Prestressed Concrete, MNL-119.

1.3.4 Production

Production personnel shall be qualified to produce units in accordance with the production drawings, the plant’s quality control requirements, and other project requirements such as approved samples when stipulated.

1.3.5 Quality Control

This function shall have lines of communication to engineering, production, and management; however, direct responsibility shall only be to management. Quality control personnel shall not report to production personnel.

Quality control personnel shall be responsible for ensuring that the following activities are performed at a frequency adequate to meet plant specific quality objectives or as addressed in this manual.

a. Inspecting and verifying the accuracy of dimensions and condition of forms.

b. Verifying procedures for batching, mixing, placing, consolidating, curing, and finishing concrete.

c. Verifying procedures for concrete repair, handling, storing, and loading of finished products. d. Verifying the proper fabrication and placement of reinforcement and cast-in items.

e. Inspecting tensioning operations to ensure conformance with specified procedures.

f. Preparing or evaluating mix designs.

g, Taking representative test samples and performing all required testing.

h. Inspecting finished products for conformance with the shop drawings and other project requirements, such as approved samples, when required.

i. Preparing and maintaining complete quality control records.

1.4 Design Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the architect/engineer and the precast manufacturer are subject to a contractual relationship with the owner. The manufacturer shall be responsible for translating the project requirements into samples (as required), shop drawings, tooling, manufacturing procedures, and installation procedures in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the contract documents.

When conditions are known, the manufacturer shall analyze all precast concrete units for handling stresses and temporary loadings imposed on the units prior to and during final incorporation into the structure.

The precast engineer shall be responsible for the design of all products for production, handling, and known erection stresses.

1.4.2 Shop Drawings

The manufacturer shall prepare and submit drawings for approval, as required, in general accordance with the PCI Drafting Handbook - Precast and Prestressed Concrete, MNL-119, and the project specifications. Production drawings shall be prepared to convey all pertinent information necessary for fabrication and inspection of the precast concrete products.

1.5 Project Samples

When required by project specifications, finish samples shall be prepared and submitted for approval.

The concrete placement and consolidation method used to make samples shall be representative of the intended production methods.

1.5.2 Size and Shape

Samples shall reflect the shape of the actual unit. Flat samples shall only be used for flat castings. The size of samples shall reflect the relationship to the size of aggregate, finish, shape, and casting techniques.

1.5.3 Identification

All samples shall be clearly identified.

1.5.4 Visual Mock-ups and Initial Production Approval of Finishes

When required by project specifications, a mock-up consisting of a full-scale portion of a unit shall be used for initial production approval. Previously completed project units, mock-ups, or samples that are similar, may be used for initial production approval of products.

The number of approved samples shall be sufficient for establishing the range of acceptability with respect to surface variations, defects, and overall appearance.

Samples shall be viewed at a distance consistent with actual viewing distance in the structure, but not less than 20 ft (6 m).

Approved samples shall be kept at the manufacturing facility and shall be used to monitor the acceptability of the production panels.


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