Precast factories working with the IMPACT Precast Software + A new version releasing after summer!
Nikolaj Morgen Stephansen
Head Of Sales & Marketing - Precast at StruSoft AB, Matrix Software & Civenso - Software for detailing and production planning of precast concrete elements, worldwide. BIM 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D?? ??
Visiting Precast Factories and customers after years of lockdowns
Yesterday I visited one of our customers that have been using IMPACT software provided by us for about 6 years. - As a market guy, I was a little confused as to why they didn't need a higher number of licenses of our software since it has been implemented for years.
I Hadn't been there for several years partly due to the pandemic of the past years. After finally being able to visit physically though. As it turned out, they were managing their whole business with just one planner for transportation, and one cast planner. - The production was filled with precast panels, drawings, and Inloader stacks and trucks being loaded at the end of the hall. No one was in a rush, everyone knew what to do, and even what do to after that. A well-oiled machine, spitting out Precast Elements.
The Guys were interested in starting up with our Mobile Solution IMPACT Go as well, so that is of course where the talk led a little. - Mobile tracking and QA of the elements, using the Ipads they already have available in their production hall.
Software updates and new versions are always on the way
The new version of IMPACT Precast 17.0 is well on its way for a fall 2022 release. We have already started lining up, arranging free to attend webinars. Giving some small tips and tricks as well as showcasing the new features in version 17.0.
The first webinar has already concluded and was specifically directed at our CAD users' Detailing and 3D modeling Precast elements. This webinar introduced a few new features and changes. - Things to look forward to, in the upcoming version.
A recording of this webinar can be seen here:
Where can I sign up to attend these free webinars myself? Well, the answer is simple. - Go ahead and navigate to our website, and under the webinars section, you will find the already scheduled webinars.
That was it for me here in the second iteration of my newsletter. Stay tuned for the 3rd edition in roughly 1 month.