Preamble to the inquiry
Fausto Felix
Master Degree in Business Administration, Specialist in Planning and Strategies, Law Degree
Arguments and criteria to be discussed in this study
The purpose of this paper is to determine what an inquiry mechanism is, its origins, contributions and importance in achieving the goals that the firm sets from an organizational point of view, or the particular objectives that an individual sets for himself; We will develop what are the anthropological concepts of mythological, devout, academic, fair, complicated, tactical and progressive judgment, which are the original mechanisms on which modern inquiry mechanisms are based, such as the academic inquiry mechanism that has contributed so much development to our humanity. We will also address the benefits and qualities of the inquiry mechanism, as well as its integral parts and the benefits it brings to the inquiry mechanism (Baena Paz, 2017).
We will focus on the distinctive features of the concept of discernment and its important factors, such as seniority, intellect and instinct, establishing a notable division of the components of discernment, as an integral part of any inquiry mechanism, so that you can have an idea of the areas of influence of this in any investigative mechanism (trial, intellectual diligence and discernment derived from a group of trials), as well as the definition and development of the academic (scientific) inquiry mechanism and its phases on which his doctrine is supported and sustained: exposition of the problem, revelation of the dilemma, reasons for the investigation and the writing of the hypothesis of the dilemma; The main purpose is to provide the reader with a primary focus on the significance of the domain of the executory process of an inquiry mechanism for the manager, the organization or any area of selective importance for which it is decided to execute a certain area of knowledge (Baena Paz , 2017), concluding with a brief exposition of the author's point of view on the subject matter.
Precedents of the inquiry mechanism in increasing discernment
Every?analytical mechanism?is supported by certain conjunctive elements that serve as support to make its way towards a more modern and advanced process than those that protected its origins; These chimeras sought to explain the environment that surrounded him from conceptions determined by the investigation of certainty, discernment and any factor that could create a certain commotion. In this way, different ways of understanding the habitable paradigm that surrounds it arise, resulting in a mosaic of understanding of reality, called judgment: that extended comprehensive procedure of existence, by which we elaborate ideas, judgments and criteria that particularly expose the purposes and wonders of truth; among these we can cite: i) mythological judgment, ii) devotional judgment, iii) academic judgment, iv) fair trial, v) complicated trial, vi) tactical trial and, vii) progressive trial (Baena Paz, 2017).
Through the?mythological and devotional judgments or statements, the human being sought to shape a concept that exposed the elements of those perceptible or spiritual manifestations, having a complete absence of scholarly factors that would help them in the explanation of said elements, for which reason means were traced to shape the conception he had of his environment at that time, through mythological lucubration’s and sorcerer habits, giving rise to mythological judgment; This resulted in the emergence of parables, stories and fallacies to which man tried to answer based on the tools that he had at his disposal in that specific period of history (Baena Paz, 2017).
Devotional judgment: Civilizationssuch as the Greek and the Roman were multifaceted in terms of the belief in various deities to which they assigned supernatural properties in order to subdue citizens in various sectors and places; On the other hand, contrary to the multifaceted ones, there were the supporters of a single concept to believe in, the one that has the capacity to solve man's problems on the one hand and to create discomfort on the other; This type of trial was bending the thinking capacity of the human being for several hundred years and did not facilitate the approach of various concepts due to the dictatorship of the Church and the monopoly that they had of the trial (Baena Paz, 2017).
With the advent of technique, notable and valuable judgments appeared, through which scholars and sages progressively lectured about the principle, the probabilities, and the fundamental nature of the intellect; At this stage, man has singularities that allow them to solve enigmas, fundamentally to project it and that, according to the increase in this, their reasoning capacity becomes deeper, denoting pitfalls when wanting to reason in a simple way, similar to the judgment of infants or of children people who have never had a timely instruction (Baena Paz, 2017).
The?academic judgment, according to the reasoning of Bertrand Russell, highlights that the full discernment that we can have can start from singular events or from the academic intellect, so that knowledge is a predetermined connection of the individual with the accredited purpose; Through this cognitive mechanism, the individual tends to take possession of the notorious element and, if it originates in himself through his aptitudes, this cognitive factor will have its genesis in: i) seniority (capture through reasoning), ii) the understanding (faculty to discern that makes it easier to naturally deduce between one or more criteria) and, iii) instinct (complex discernment of a purpose through a quick visualization, deep understanding of something by a kind of quick scholarly vision, leaving rational judgment aside (Baena Paz, 2017).
The?fair trial, according to González Casanova, is based on the structuring of various matters of knowledge with the intention of being able to observe those concepts that can escape the eloquently important dominant knowledge when understanding certain particularities. The complicated judgment ensures that the consolidated and participatory examinations address different social approaches, since society itself has become complicated in its ways of acting and seeking solutions to its paradigms (Baena Paz, 2017).
The?tactical judgment, is that practical apothegm that facilitates the deep visualization over the simple looks, directing us towards a study of positions that, whether they are evident or not, try to assist us in the understanding of the dilemmas; For the promotion of a tactical judgment, it is important to consider 8 elements of great consideration: i) Weigh the method as a whole, not segmented; ii) the existence of connection of the precepts with the disorders and the metamorphoses happen as a consequence of these interconnections; iii) No matter how minuscule an event in a department may be, it has to create colossal disturbances to the closest segment; iv) the cartographies, rulers and photographs allow simple visualizations of the links with the dialogue guides; v) Detect ascending restrictions, novelties in the archetypes and in the conjunctures; vi) indirect reflection is basic for the investigation of environmental variations; vii) the criterion is very significant when visualizing incomprehensible events and, viii) pondering half a dozen daily difficulties (Baena Paz, 2017).
Progressive judgment, is that dynamic reasoning that arises from the tacit obligation of wanting to know those probabilities or different trajectories of the future with the preventive projection of what is to come; Since we are in a stage of vacillations that facilitates constant variations that disappear quickly, it is necessary to produce reasoning that predicts any early damage, since new research determines that people are differentiable through progressive competition, which allows us to reason at future (Baena Paz, 2017).
The investigation?is that diligence directed towards the resolution of dilemmas, whose purposes persist in the way of finding solutions to questions through academic mechanisms; Academic inquiry is aimed at solving dilemmas, even if these dilemmas are not academic, because for this, certain faculties described below are needed: i) it must be favorably summarized, ii) satisfactorily blended, iii) duly elaborated, iv) it must be viable, v) it must support you in a hypothesis, vi) it must be equipped with sufficiently operational means (Baena-Paz, 2017).
Conveniences and properties of the investigative procedure
Among the benefits and properties that the investigative procedure can contribute to a better elaboration of a process that seeks satisfactory results, are: i) it is a mechanism that connects the individual with the purpose of the investigation; ii) directs and directs the investigation, through a chain of gradual, methodical and deliberate actions in order to expose the prodigy or the phase that captured the interest that, consequently, has to achieve significant effects in society; iii) it determines the guidelines of the investigative procedures, which supposes that, according to the patterns of an established dilemma, a pattern or a confluence persists that may be the most suitable at the time of executing an effective investigation that seeks to expose the prodigy; and, iv) it turns out to be a methodical mechanism for the investigation, resulting in a set of staggered and coordinated phases, whose purposes are the designation of being able to achieve a universal justification for the prodigy investigated (Secretariat of Public Education, 2015).
All discernment is achieved through a set of factors, among which stand out: i) Seniority, that is, the way of capturing the goals; ii) The intellect, as soon and as possible to deduce certain judgments and epigraphs; iii) Instinct, deep understanding of a matter through a fast scholar spectrum, without it being necessary to apply arguments or deductive reasoning. The components of discernment are focused as follows: a) the judgment through which we can achieve the fundamental reason for discernment; b) intellectual diligence as a secondary element of discernment that is determined by a mechanism of ideas, maturity and arguments that project a cerebral concept of the peripheral universe; and c) the discernment derived from a group of judgments, whose effect is the procedure of intellectual speed (Baena Paz, 2017).
The academic inquiry mechanism brings together a group of sequenced phases that have to lead us to a goal, which will be determined by the justification of the dilemma or prodigy, resulting in a statement of resolution options; When this inquiry is supported by the academic mechanism, it turns out to be a group of universal proceedings, which are subject to these types of global periods: i) exposition of the problem, which means the classification of the sectorized prodigy (environmental: contamination by benzene of more of 119 refineries in the United States, which can cause cancer), (, 2020);
ii) disclosure of the dilemma, because any investigative mechanism is explained as that initiated effort whose focus is the resolution of a dilemma, starting with the production of the understanding that defines and reveals offers of resolutions; iii) Reasons for the inquiry, which refers to the delimitation of the purposes and ambitions to be taken into account to specifically achieve these objectives, for which the obligation to have a mandatory written argument emerges; iv) Drafting the hypothesis of the dilemma, whose approach refers to finding data from studies that have the same approaches of similar content to the one that is proposed to be examined, adapting them to the particular conditions of the researcher (Secretary of Public Education, 2015 ).
v) Specific sketch of the inquiry, which is prepared beginning with the selection of the thesis appropriate to the inquiry content, in order to fulfill the role of the hypothetical context, through a review of the available instruments that allow the development of the dilemma or the argument of the investigation. inquiry; vi) Method for the collection of information, such as the compilation of documented information, from the terrain, interrogations and forms, which must be attached to the notes and personal annotations of everything that happened in the examined or explored area; vii) Processing and inspection of the information, which is oriented towards reviewing the information collected roughly in order to select and regulate its elements, for a narrative formulation of the dilemma or prodigy of the selected inquiry, specifically indicating the site and the chronographic calendar;
viii) Decomposition of the information, which focuses on the timely prosecution of the speculative concept of the chosen thesis, with the goal of reaching a potential replica of the exposed dilemma, summarizing everything that the study throws up, affiliating it as new elements that are part of the set ; and ix) Explanation of the effects and deductions, which is the conclusive result of the investigation, facilitating the means for the public to have access to the investigations carried out and the established conceptions, for whose important effects it is necessary that this be formulated in a formal way. clear and concise (Secretary of Public Education, 2015).
Considerable value of the inquiry process for the management sector and special areas of academic training
The inquiry is valid insofar as it assumes notorious factors that facilitate the acquisition of specific data that must be used by the agent in charge of a specific department, receiving important and truthful data that allow him to reason, verify, amend or execute this discernment in accordance with the present and future needs of the firm; It is not only a question of evaluating the content of an investigative mechanism, but also of knowing how to use it to achieve better managerial efficiency and lay the foundations to develop tactics that are in tune with the arguments that the investigative process has produced (PhD in Business Sciences , 2020).
Any specific area that, due to its particular features, is completely unique in its application, needs to master the basic elements of an inquiry mechanism, so that it can get the most out of it, regardless of whether it is executed by the manager or if it is commissioned. of experts in the field, since it allows you to see if this process was well executed in accordance with the established and known regulations, review if certain aspects of the study are missing, redundant or poorly focused, to know that you have a mastery of these techniques and thus apply the observations of place or give the go-ahead that the quality of the work is consistent with the requirements of the firm (PhD in Business Sciences, 2020).
In conclusion
The previous presentation had as significant points the power to determine precisely what and what are the important elements that make up an inquiry mechanism, its various concepts, the contributions and the areas of application where these have fundamental value for the correct performance of a signature and the particular exercise of a professional of the administration or of any profession, as long as it takes into account the qualities of this mechanism; We focus on the various judgments or reasoning that preceded the modern concept of the inquiry mechanism, as well as an updated perspective of the academic or scientific judgment that governs the inquiry procedure in this period of our lives, associating it with contemporary discernment and its significant qualities.
The inquiry mechanism had significant consideration in terms of the pre-established formats that allow the identification of a dilemma and how to prosecute the guides that can lead us to a desired result, as long as we keep constant the guidelines that the manual indicates for this; On certain occasions we have to find solutions to problems that arise in the daily practice of our professions and we insist on looking for inquiry patterns from other people who, although they dedicated substantial efforts and clung to a rigorous manual of the inquiry mechanism, did not always complies with the demands and needs that we require at that moment and in the face of a specific situation that has been presented to us, hence the value of the graduate knowing how to process their concerns through an inquiry mechanism that allows a concrete discernment of what their powers require.
Professional success must be oriented in knowing how to execute the patterns of the inquiry mechanism and its various interpretations, because this is essential for personal, regulatory, economic and managerial notoriety because every process of our lives has a direct connection with a mechanism of inquiry to obtain its results; every book we read, the study material of our academic degree, the reports of experts in the commercial and organizational area, a documentary, a film production, a computerized software, the resolution of a social dilemma, the creation of a manufacturing or a cybernetic mechanism, among others, have their fundamental origins and their points of coincidence in having gone through an inquiry mechanism that led its creators to present results for the good and enjoyment of the people who consume and enjoy their products and results.
Baena-Paz, G. (2017). Research Methodology (3rd ed.). Mexico City, Mexico: Grupo Editorial Patria.
PhD in Business Sciences. (2020). The importance of research in business schools. (2020). Environmental Justice and Refinery Pollution: Benzene Monitoring Around Oil Refineries Found More Communities at Risk in 2020.
Secretary of Public Education. (2015). Investigation methodology.?Mexico City.
Master Degree in Business Administration, Specialist in Planning and Strategies, Law Degree
2 年The inquiry mechanism had significant consideration in terms of the pre-established formats that allow the identification of a dilemma and how to prosecute the guides that can lead us to a desired result, as long as we keep constant the guidelines that the manual indicates for this; On certain occasions we have to find solutions to problems that arise in the daily practice of our professions and we insist on looking for inquiry patterns from other people who, although they dedicated substantial efforts and clung to a rigorous manual of the inquiry mechanism, did not always complies with the demands and needs that we require at that moment and in the face of a specific situation that has been presented to us, hence the value of the graduate knowing how to process their concerns through an inquiry mechanism that allows a concrete discernment of what their powers require.