Pre-release of the second edition of the Collected Works of Warren S. McCulloch

Pre-release of the second edition of the Collected Works of Warren S. McCulloch

McCulloch was a seminal figure in psychology, neuroscience, and cybernetics. His work with Walter Pitts on neurons paved the way for much of the smart technology that powers our present twenty-first-century world.

The American Society for Cybernetics (in cooperation with Emergent Publications) is pleased to announce that 21 of Warren McCulloch’s papers have now been made available with free open access as a prelude to the May 2020 release of the second edition of the Collected Works of Warren S. McCulloch

These papers are presented in a four-issue special series of the journal E:CO Emergence and Complexity and Organization.

? Recollections of the Many Sources of Cybernetics

? A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity

? Functional Organization in the Sensory Cortex of the Monkey (Macaca Mulatta)

? Factors for Facilitation and Extinction in the Central Nervous System

? The Statistical Organization of Nervous Activity

? How We Know Universals the Perception of Auditory and Visual Forms

? A Heterarchy of Values Determined by the Topology of Nervous Nets

? The Limiting Information Capacity of a Neuronal Link

? Why the Mind is in the Head?

? The Brain as a Computing Machine

? The projection of the frontal lobe on the hypothalamus

? A recapitulation of the theory with a forecast of several extensions

? Reflex inhibition by dorsal root interaction

? Agathe Tyche, of nervous nets

? What's in the brain that ink may character?

? What the Frog's Eye Tells the Frog's Brain

? What Is a Number, That a Man May Know It, and a Man, That He May Know a Number?

? Cybernetic Problems of Learning: Conditioning of Control, of Command and of Expediency

? Of I and It

? Ragnar Rokr: The Effects of Conscious Purpose on Human Adaptation

? Finality and Form in Nervous Activity

A print on demand version of these works will be available in April (sorry that has a charge). The complete second edition of the Collected Works of Warren S. McCulloch will be available in May again Open Access and free (with a print on demand paid version available soon thereafter)

For more information please see

Please contact Michael Lissack, President of the American Society for Cybernetics, with questions [email protected]


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