The pre-holiday panic
The Culture Ministry
We work with CEOs and Leadership Teams to build successful inclusive businesses.
Is there anything worse than the mad panic before going on holidays? No.
Well of course there is. I’m being dramatic. But it is stressful, right?
I’m currently trying to get quite a large piece of work into a good draft for a client, getting my 2023 Diversity & Inclusion Salary and Market survey report out, getting some social media posts scheduled, getting the house ready for guests, writing my newsletter and dealing with kids who are now on school holidays.
The later is the most annoying. Here’s some examples:
Me: Can you take the dogs out for a long walk please?
Kids: Can we walk up the road and buy breakfast?
Me: No. We have food here.
Kids: Well can you make us breakfast?
Me: NO. You can make your own breakfast
Kids: Can you order us McDonalds for lunch.
Me: No. We have food here.
Kids: We don’t want that food (in a super whingy tone)
Basically repeat the above x 3 with a couple of different topics. Then later in the day…..
Me: Come on we have to go out
Kid 1: I call shotgun
Me: We aren’t going in the car
Kid 2: I can shotgun for infinity
Kid 1: Next time we go in the car I’m shotgun
A scuffle ensues with kids punching each other while trying to get out the door while not letting the dogs out. Sigh.
Currently feeling like my head is going to explode and wondering why I had kids in the first place.
Anyone with me?
Lisa xx