Pre-fill process can save you time filling out my529 forms

Pre-fill process can save you time filling out my529 forms

Do you have a significant number of clients with existing 529 accounts? Does the client paperwork to move these relationships to my529 seem daunting? my529 has a timesaving solution to help you complete all the necessary forms to open my529 accounts and simplify transfer of these accounts.

Start by requesting a template from the my529 Professional Service Team to gather client information. Once you submit the completed template to my529, we will take that information to populate the fields on all the required forms including: Forms 100 (New Account Agreement), 210 (Incoming Direct Rollover – if applicable), and 710 (LPOA Authorization), essentially filling out the forms for you. When the forms are ready, my529 will return them to you to obtain signatures via paper forms or electronic forms with DocuSign.

Speak with a member of our Professional Services Team if you have questions. We’re here to help.



