Praying with Authority
Pastor Emeritus Dr Jaerock Lee

Praying with Authority

Bible [Passage]

[ Isaiah 54:17]

" No weapon that is formed against you will succeed; And you will condemn?every tongue that?[a]accuses you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the?Lord,"


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Ezekiel 18:20?says, "The person who sins will die." If you commit sins depriving of salvation, your soul will be put to death. But read the following verses 21-23. It says, "But if the wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed and observes all My statutes and practices justice and righteousness, he shall surely live; he shall not die. All his transgressions which he has committed will not be remembered against him; because of his righteousness which he has practiced, he will live. Do I have any pleasure in the death of the wicked, declares the LORD God, rather than that he should turn from his ways and live?" This is the word of God. This verse highlights that each person is responsible for their own actions, and through repentance and faith, they can break free from the past. Some of you went to the edge of the cliff in the above situations, but you were born again after meeting the Lord. Now, you are trying to cast away such sinful natures. But why is it that sometimes you are so slow and why is it is not easy to cast off sinful natures? It's because people have different natures they inherited from ancestors. The magnitude of taking flesh and storing up sins is different. Their hearts are different. Due to these differences, people cast away evil in different ways. Some people cast off relatively easily and quickly while for others it takes a little more time.


Brothers and sisters in Christ, today we are going to delve into a topic that affects many families across generations: generational curses. Generational? Curses? familiar? spirit? don’t? happen? by? Coincidence.?? There? was agreement? at? some? point? in? that? lineage? that? opened? the? door? to? what? was? happening? . ?These curses manifest in various ways, including persistent poverty, chronic illness, mental health issues, addiction, broken relationships, and untimely deaths. The concept of generational curses is rooted in biblical teachings and is often cited to explain why certain families or individuals seem to experience repeated hardships and misfortunes.? ?

The Bible provides several references to generational curses, such as in Exodus 20:5, where it states, "For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me." This verse indicates that the consequences of sin can affect multiple generations. When God says He is jealous, this jealousy is different from the jealousy of men.? Jealousy of men originates from fleshly attributes, and it is dirty and filthy, and is harmful to others.?

Then, what kind of jealousy of love does our God have? If the believers worship idols, God turns His face away from them. This means He allows the enemy devil and Satan to do their work on them. God doesn't give disasters Himself, but He has to give them out to Satan by the law of justice, because of their sins. So, when people suffer from various trials and disasters, they become poor in heart, realize their wrongdoing, repent, and come back to god. This is the result of God's jealousy. Likewise, the jealousy of god is the expression of His true love to stop His children from falling into the way of destruction and to guide them to the way of eternal life. If God is not jealous and does not turn His face away from or just keeps on forgiving the believers no matter how much commit sins, what will happen to them? They will not turn away from their wrongdoings, so their commitment of sins will be repeated once, twice, and many times continuously, so they will finally fall into eternal death. However, it is important to also note that God provides a way out through repentance and breaking the cycle of sin.?

?? In these cases, if you look into the spiritual reasons, most of them are caused by curses. As retribution of the evil that is accumulated for many generations, or due to a spiritual cord, they are innately born with such problems. Therefore, to solve this problem, they have to do good deeds in God's sight and ask for God's mercy. Of course, this process might not be easy for them. But they must make up their mind to do it. If they keep on resembling the holy attributes of God, the justice will be fulfilled so that they can be set free from such curses. After all, God is our Father who is full of mercy.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, God is the Creator and our Father, and He opened the way of salvation for all men by giving out His one and only Son as a sacrifice. He controls all our lives and blesses those who fear Him.? But when we men love idols more than God and worship them, God hates this. this is like high treason against God who is the king. Those who are hated by God in this way will receive the retribution, and it will go down to 3 to 4 generations. As said, look at some people around you. You will probably be able to find that the families that worship idols so much and do so much evil will have constant problems with their family members. Many of them will get an incurable disease, disability, or mental disorders. They may even get demon-possessed or commit suicides. Various hardships including financial difficulties will follow. If these disasters continue for 4 generations, the family will completely collapse and not be able to recover.? But what is the reason that God did not specify the retribution will go down to 4 generations but left a room by saying 3 to 4 generations? This is the compassion of God. Namely, even though the ancestors worship idols so much and stood against God, if any of the descendants repent and seek God before their entire family is ruined, the family will receive God's compassion and the disasters will stop. But when the ancestors stored up so much evils standing against God and worshipping idols so much, it is not easy for the children to believe in God, and even though they accept the Lord, they have a spiritual cord connected with their ancestors, so they have difficulties in leading Christian lives. The enemy devil and Satan keep on bringing charges against them and disturb them from having faith in an attempt to take them to death again. But even in this kind of situation, if they with humble heart repent of the sins of their fathers on behalf of them and ask for the compassion of God casting off their evil, they will surely be protected by the grace of God. On the contrary, those who love God and keep His commandments will receive God's grace for thousand generations. Disasters are only for 3 to 4 generations, but the blessings are for a thousand generations. By seeing this, we can once again feel the love of God contained in this verse.

The good news is that generational curses can be broken. Through faith, prayer, and deliberate actions, individuals and families can overcome these negative patterns. Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and living according to God's Word are crucial steps in this process. By acknowledging the existence of generational curses and actively seeking to break them, people can change their family legacy and experience God's blessings.

Isaiah 54:17 says, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn."

Praying with Authority:

  • Some have to speak , "I, representing this bloodline, am coming out of agreement with this curse in the name of Jesus? Christ, Amen "
  • Some have to speak , “Renounce any ancestral agreements or sins that opened the door to the curse in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen “.

·???????? Some have to take a stand in prayer, declaring, 'I reject and break any negative words spoken against me and my family in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen'"

·???????? In this moment of prayer, you declare, 'I sever all ties with these harmful declarations over my lineage in the name of Jesus Christ , Amen.'"

·???????? During prayer, you assert, 'I nullify and revoke every negative word spoken against me and my bloodline in the name of Jesus Christ , Amen.'"

·???????? In prayer, you proclaim, 'I break all agreements with these curses and speak blessings over my family in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen '"

·???????? "This is the moment in prayer where you state, 'I cancel every spoken word that aims to harm me and my descendants in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen '"

  • Somebody have to speak. That’s the? place? of Prayer? where you now? said “ I?? in? representing? this? bloodline I’m coming? out of agreement? with this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
  • I? declarations? for? protection? of? my? family .? “Every? mouth? that? says? it’s? an? abomination? for? my? family? to prosper? be? silenced? in? the? name? of? Jesus? Christ . Evil? power shouting? against? the?? acceleration? of? my? family? die? in? the? name? of? Jesus Christ , Amen “.

Steps to Closing the Door:

  1. Repentance: Confess and repent of any known sins that may have contributed to the curse. Ask God for forgiveness and cleansing.
  2. Forgiveness: Forgive any ancestors who may have sinned and brought the curse into the family.


?The Difference between the Names of 'Jesus' and 'Christ'

From the beginning of His public ministry Jesus spread the gospel of the heavenly kingdom and testified to the living God by performing amazingly powerful works. It was such that Peter said to Him, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." But He warned the disciples that they should tell no one that He was the Christ. This is because the time of His crucifixion hadn't come yet.

Thus, 'Jesus' and 'Christ' bear distinct meanings: 'Jesus' refers to "the One who will save men," and 'Christ' signifies "the One who has saved men." It is appropriate to refer to Him as Jesus before the resurrection and as 'Jesus Christ' or 'the Lord Jesus' after the resurrection. The Bible reflects this usage, with people adding the title 'Christ' or 'the Lord' when referring to Him post-resurrection and ascension.

?Understanding the difference between 'Jesus' and 'Christ' deepens our appreciation of Jesus' journey and mission. 'Jesus' denotes His role as the anticipated Savior, while 'Christ' acknowledges His fulfillment of that role through His death and resurrection. This distinction underscores the transformative power of His resurrection, affirming Him as the anointed Savior who conquered death and grants eternal life to all who believe in Him.


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, if you do not worship idols but fear God, you will be blessed, and also your descendants will be blessed. However, it doesn't mean that all descendants will be blessed just because their ancestors worshipped God faithfully. For example, Abraham, the father of faith, was greatly loved by God, and God promised to bless his descendants for many generations. But even among Abraham's descendants, those who did not fear God did not receive these blessings. David loved God deeply, and God promised to bless his descendants, but those descendants of David who turned away from God did not benefit from that promise of blessing.

Only when they themselves loved God, lived in truth, and avoided idolatry could they receive all the blessings accumulated and passed down from previous generations. I hope that through this message, you will never make any idol for yourself or worship any of them. By doing so, I pray in the name of the Lord that you will abundantly receive and enjoy the blessings promised for a thousand generations.

Breaking generational curses requires recognizing the patterns, speaking against them, and engaging in prayer and spiritual warfare. As we have seen, these curses don't happen by coincidence but often result from ancestral agreements or sins. By the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority given to us through Jesus Christ, we can break these curses and close the doors that allowed them to enter our lives. Remember, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. Let us pray together, renounce these curses, and declare freedom for ourselves and our families in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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