Prayers to be sealed for the Rapture - Lorena
Have the Seal of predilection that represents you as part of his faithful flock for this you will do the following: Next Thursday after Gethsemane at 3 a.m. in the morning and after having prayed this devotion, you will join in groups and implore the Father for piety and clemency towards the world so that God may reduce his just wrath. For this reason, you will be sealed by an angel who with his sword of fire will place a mark on your foreheads as children belonging to the remnant Church of Christ.
?For this you must already be living in the desert far from the false church and practicing the true Catholic doctrine with a life of example before your brothers living the Commandments and following the precepts of God the Father.
First, you will ask for all mankind, so that God may have mercy on every soul far away from him as representatives of Jesus Christ on earth.
Then at 3:00 a.m. with one lit candle, one crucifix, one image of the Holy Family and one of mine, one image of Saint Michael you will make a prayer asking for intercession for the whole world go down in front of the altar you will put roses to the Virgin and pray like this.
?Prayer I, as a son of God the Father, belonging to his faithful remnant, ask before the Holy Trinity to give the world the necessary strength to face the tribulation with the help of the Holy Spirit. So that it illuminates the path of every human being, repentant and ready for a change of life.
I place all humanity under the most precious blood of Jesus Christ, so that it may be protected and under the mantle of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. I place each continent of the world, so that under her protection of loving mother the entire orb may be under special protection and tribulation be lessened by the prayers of the people of Israel Amen.
After this prayer, you will prepare to receive the seal from the angel who will instill in your hearts the flame of the love of God. So that found with the heart of the Holy Trinity you may be worthy children of Yahweh worthy to go with him when he comes for his church. And you will ask to be sealed for this purpose in this way.
?Prayer I, as a child of God, belonging to the holy people of Israel I ask for the seal through the angel of God.
?So that through this seal of predilection, I may be recognized as part of the remnant Church of Jesus Christ and be raptured on the day God comes for his church.
I ask the angels and angelic choirs to protect me from all attacks of the adversary, and as a prudent virgin, I oil my lamp with the Word of God my life of conversion and love of God through the fulfillment of his law. I give my fiat before the Holy Trinity, and with a seal of fire on my forehead I am protected and as belonging to the faithful remnant Church of my Lord Jesus Christ. I declare that I will be raptured when receiving this seal of predilection, so that through this the angel who will come to seal us, seal us as favorite children of Israel as the faithful people of Yahweh Amen.
The roses placed on the altar will be blessed, and they will be able to multiply, serving as spiritual and corporal food.
Since they will heal both physically and spiritually and will serve as food. Asked to be sealed as a remnant church and asked to be raptured by Jesus Christ.
I Saint Michael the Archangel, Prince of the celestial militia and leader of my militant Army. Who is like God? No one is like God.