Our body is an ideal electro-magnetic instrument which emanates contineous flow of various energies. This electromagnetic energy which comes out is either good or bad depending upon the person's thoughts, action, attitude and life style.
The prayers what one prays by reciting various religious Manthravani / Manthra / Stoats, generates emmence level of positive electro-magnetic energies, that charges human body and soul to its highest extent.
During earlier times, concept of wearing Wooden Padukas prevailed, which had a pure scientific reasoning, whereby wood being bad conductor of electric, as well as magnetic charges will not allow these energies to pass on from ones body to the earth where one stands and prays.
Leather footwear too were available during those times, but religious priests used to wear these Wooden Padukas to ensure that electro-magnetic energies generated through reciting of these manthravani / manthra / stoats are absorbed by the body and doesn't gets passed on to earth on which we stand.
One should also not talk during prayer as it would harm the person for breaking the smooth continuous flow of manthra / staota / vibrations coming from the prayer. If it is absolutely necessary one can resort to communication in writing for a limited period of time without uttering a word.
All prayers are based on the science of Staota (Vibrations) and therefore when a person recites the prayers correctly it creates beautiful effects and brings delightful colours in nature and therefore it is desirable that the prayer is recited in an audible and clear tone.
Generations try to make changes, without understanding the logical and scientific rationales therein, lying behind those beautiful practices.