Prayers, dreams and seeds have potential to create everything
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
First of all, only faith moves mountains and the hand of God to act. Begging, crying, pleading, many repetitions, making deals with God are not effective. It is faith that pleases Him and causes Him to move on your behalf. Faith is not about how much faith you have, but what/who is your faith in? God (Krishna) is defined in the Vedic scriptures as "Sarva Kaaran Kaaranam" - he is the original cause behind all causes. So, from that perspective, you may conclude that it is ultimately God who gives us dream. However, if we go into the technical details, we understand that it is the subtle mind that causes us to get dreams.
Every human has three bodies - Soul (the original spiritual body), Subtle Body (Mind, Intelligence and False Ego) and the Gross Body (the body made up of five knowledge acquiring senses and five working senses). The mind, which is part of the subtle body is a repository of all thoughts, recollections and it stores impressions of each and every activity we do. This mind is always active, even when the gross body is in sleep. Since the mind is always active, it gives us dreams. These dreams are the thoughts of the mind and because we are sleeping, we do not have any control on it. However, when we are awake, we can control the thoughts. I highly recommend that you read "Shrimad Bhagwad Gita As It Is"
You have your subconscious(involuntary/intuitive)mind always working for you whether you are sleeping or awake. I will give you an example to prove this point. Suppose you are in some busy area with lot of noise and a song which you really like is Playing at very low volume. You will not even realise that the song is playing around you but you might start humming the same song or you have a feeling to listen to the song. After this you might realise that the song is already playing nearby.
This has happened to me quite a few times so I mentioned this example. In such cases your subconscious mind is working for you. In the same way when you sleep and your subconscious continue to work for you. It keeps analysing about the situations you are in and it's probable outcomes. And sometimes you remember some outcomes and then it becomes true. This is nothing like destiny but only a trick pulled by your subconscious. Most of the time you can't remember anything about your dreams so this happens quite rarely though.
Let me tell you what I believe….I am not talking about does god exists or not.But believing that there is someone who is there for u and who will take care of you,really helps a lot. It's about beliefs. What happens is we believe that god will always think good of us and that is right. When you pray to god and think that god is there for you. It gives you confidence,it gives you hope, it gives you stability as in back of mind we know that god has planned only good for us.and this leads to our good performance.
This doesn't mean only prayers will give you success but it will surely help. It:'s all in our mind. Believe in yourself. Just like that, No…! You need a BMW you need more money. Your dream is big so should be you devotion should be. You pray God wholeheartedly and ask him to write exam on your behalf. You think it works that way? No. Result will be based on hard work. Either daily pray god & don’t ask anything. so God will take care as & when required. You dedicate full time pleasing God so that God gives boon. Best thing to ask is: keeping in devotion or courage to face/perform duties. Probably because you pray for mundane things to take place: find your car keys, etc. Stuff that falls well within the reasonable realm of possibility—even probability. Pray for world hunger to end if you want to end your “lucky streak.” Jay Shri Krishna