Prayer be your first response and last resort

Prayer be your first response and last resort

Praying is essentially just taking a breath. I’ve heard so many stories like go like this: “I was running late for work and couldn’t for the life of me find my car keys. This was a really important day for me because of so and so (insert whatever reason). I finally gave up and got down on my knees. I prayed to God that he would help my find my car keys so I could get to work. As soon as I opened my eyes, I got the prompting to look in the pants I wore yesterday and that’s where they were! So glad I prayed.” Realistically, this is what happened. They were scattered and couldn’t think straight. They took a second to take a breath and gather themselves. Then, they were able to think logically and remember where they left their keys. I am almost certain that if they didn’t pray and just took a second to compose themselves, they would’ve arrived at the same outcome.

Praying can be as effective as just gathering your thoughts. I don’t believe in any higher being, but I think the reason people find it effective is because it forces them to compose, gather, and regain perspective. Not because some divine intervention. I was feeling cold, and felt like turning off the AC. But, my colleague would have been uncomfortable in doing so. I decided not to. After a while, It almost became unbearable. “Do you mind if I turn it off?" I asked, with utmost guilt.

“Oh..yes. Even I was about to ask the same. Then again, I thought you may need it; so decided to put on a jacket instead.” Often in relationships, we decide to go against our natural choices, thinking that other person may not approve, or worse get hurt by it. Everything because we ‘think so’. Next time before assuming, just ask. Saves tons of efforts & electricity.

He's a King of the Heavens and all creation. He created space and stars and oceans and flowers and all the other wonderful things. Yet He is kind and humble to give you authority to take care of the planet. Keep that in mind and clear your mind of any expectations. Keep knocking and the door will be opened. Keep seeking and you shall find. Pray, pray, pray and keep your eyes opened and your ears tuned. Sometimes you will have to wait for an answer, sometimes His answers are given to you immediately! He does what He wants and He is love so He does what is best for you.

Prayer is amazingly soothing for the soul. A friend once explained to me that he tries to picture in his mind a loving, caring, Father and Friend and his prayers are much more sincere, genuine, and from the heart. I’ve tried to follow that council. Another thing I remember often is that country song, “Sometimes I Thank God For Unanswered Prayers.” Sometimes we base our faith on the immediacy of the Lord’s response to our petitions.

However, we need to believe that He answers in His own time. “He’s never late, and he’s never early, He’s always on time (Harry Bogart, 2009)”. It took nearly ten years for one specific request of mine to be answered. I can see looking back on it now all the steps the Lord had to put in place to make it happen. I couldn’t have done it faster, and never would have seen the pathway by myself.

Third, several years ago my brother expressed to me that we can’t pray expecting God to just give us stuff. We must pray and have faith as though everything depends on Him, but we must work as though it all depends on ourselves. A youth in my Sunday school class explained this past week that you can’t pray to be blessed with a car and then turn down every job offer that comes your way because you think the Lord will just give you the car. Many times He will bless you in a round about way, or through other people.

Fourth, when you are done praying don’t just jump up and go back to business or to bed. Wait. Listen. Patiently. There will be times that thoughts or ideas will come to mind that you haven’t had before. Listen intently for answers to your questions, or to your problems, or to what you have just expressed. Jot down notes. At first you may hear nothing but silence, as time goes on things will change. Give thanks for your conversations with the Lord.

Finally the Lord wants you to be happy. Pour out your heart and soul to Him. He will bless you with your righteous desires in His own time. And for those who want to hate on this response…repent! You can do that in the form of prayer too! I know this because the Lord also hears my daily prayers of repentance. Cheers!


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