A Prayer for the Strong
Haakon Rian Mancient Ueland
Illuminated lives & amplified voices since 1983. International authority on health, social work, AI Ethics, healing. Spiritual advisor, monk, author, artist. Dog whisperer, grandpa. On stage with Bobby McFerrin x 2.
There are still flowers in the garden
There is still beauty in the world
I'm sure that butterflies will some day flutter
Even though this baby's cries will stay unheard
The sun will rise again tomorrow
The moon will silver from the sky
And my neck will still be bent with sorrow
for the tiny child whose thoughts will never fly
I hope you're safe from grief and sorrow
I hope you're comfortable and warm
I hope that in a distant far tomorrow
I will meet you and hold you on my arm
"Flowers" by mAncient
2005-2021 (c) H?kon Rian Ueland
A few years back, I was staying at the Grand Hotel in Oslo. With my dog, Cooper Frost (RIP, brother). It was summer, and I took him for a walk in Gr?nland, the most multicultural area of Oslo. Since it was warm, and I was thirsty, I decided to take a Munkholm (a fully alcohol free beer from Ringnes/Carlsberg - beautiful! ?? ) in a pub. I went to the door, a lovely redheaded bartender greeted me, and said the astonishing words: This is a dog-friendly bar. You don't have to sit outside.
We went inside. Cooper got a bowl of water, and - as was his want - lay like a sfinx while I worked on a song. I had my Munkholm, a beverage I miss every day I am here in Sweden.
We went back there several times. Then, it turned ugly.
I was in a hurry - had to pee, after a long walk and several coffees. Found an empty table, fastened Cooper to the table-leg, and went to the bathroom. When I was done, I saw a woman bending over him.
Now, picture this: A dog, with a professional K9-harness, "Working Dog"-vest, and a tag saying "Don't touch". Would you go and pet him?
I hit the window in the door, she jerked upward, and left. Only to come back after I had sat down, claiming "He scratched me". She was extremely inebriated, and shared that her dog had died a short while ago. I offered my sympathies, told her that my dog was a working dog who did not like drunk people, and thought we were good.
Then, she came back one final time. Suddenly, she bent down, put her arms around Coopers neck, and tried to kiss him on the mouth. He snarled, and she claimed he had bit her. Not true.
We were evicted, but only after I had finished my Munkholm. Had a pleasant chat with the security guards who had been called, and then went back to the hotel.
I later went back to the pub to speak with the male bartender who had evicted us. This time, without Cooper. Words were passed; I asked him What is your name? I want to report this place to the authorities - any place that lets people drink as much, are breaking the law. He didn't want to give me his name, so I left.
I called this article A Prayer for the Strong. And it is. It is for you who is fighting the good fight. Be it for God, for the needy, for the voiceless, for children, for animals, for the indigenous population, for refugees ...
You are allowed to be strong. You are allowed to be strong in your masculinity. In your femininity. You are allowed to shine your light as brightly as you possibly can.
Whether your idol is Jesus Christ, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Buddha, Mohammad, The Pope, Krishna or Gaia - keep being strong. Keep being lit. Stay on the path, no matter how narrow.
Haters will hate. People will misunderstand you. You will face resistance. Stay with it, and one day, the path will open wide.
Looking down, you will see that you are walking on streets of gold. The stars will fall down, creating a path of diamonds for you to follow.
Stay on the path of love.
#Flowtherapy: Devin James Stinson. Music: mAncient.
I Make Ideas Come To Life Through My Voice, My Art, and My Poetry.
4 年H?kon Rian "mAncient" Ueland Great article! That’s too bad about the drunky, and then getting evicted ?? We keep keeping on, though! Love you, brother!
Illuminated lives & amplified voices since 1983. International authority on health, social work, AI Ethics, healing. Spiritual advisor, monk, author, artist. Dog whisperer, grandpa. On stage with Bobby McFerrin x 2.
4 年Ira Bowman - I have a feeling you may enjoy this article.
I Make Ideas Come To Life Through My Voice, My Art, and My Poetry.
4 年H?kon Rian "mAncient" Ueland Yesssssssss!!