“A Prayer to Jesus, 7-9-20,” by Andrew J. Schatkin
“A Prayer to Jesus, 7-9-20,” by Andrew J. Schatkin
My dear readers, fellow thinkers discerners and you who seek to find and understand truth, facts and honest discourse and wish to engage in critical thinking I once again propose and ask to you to join with me in another challenging intellectual adventure having no concern for media lies, political falsehoods and political hype and political rhetoric having their source not in the desire to gain and understand truth but are nothing more than an attempt to manipulate us by the forces of commerce and power to freeze and corrupt our intellectual faculties in the model and direction they aim and wish to be molded into.
Dear Lord Jesus: You took in an act of great poverty and humility human physical and emotional and spiritual limitation in the incarnation and in becoming a limited human being you experienced coming down to us from the mansions and precincts what it is to be human and suffered and came know pain, suffering and death. Teach us, O lord, that same humility. Teach us not to be smart or smarter than others or more important than others but to take on that same humble love in the fashion and manner as you told us and instructed us of a child innocent. Teach us to walk in your path of humility that you trod the path of a carpenter not the path of an executive or one the world accords its respect. Lead us and make us understand that is only in humility that we will come to know you and fully be transformed into your image and likeness a life not with the goal of overbearing importance but with the goal that it is only in humility that we can come to know not only you though you are the savior redeemer and judge of the world but in your act of taking on poverty and humility bring us to a true understanding and grasp of who you are and who we can and are capable of being Lord Jesus fill our hearts and souls with your humble love.