Prayer is Intimacy …
Zechariah 4:6 ~ So he said to me, This is the word of The LORD to Zerubbabel: `Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says The LORD Almighty.?
Abba Father good morning ~ These words of Godliness are forever powerful; Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says The LORD Almighty. Protective promises fully engageable. Living affirmation of how dedicated The Lord Our God is within the lives of those who reach out in intimate prayer. Lives willingly communicating intimacy from deep within their heart, their mind, their soul; their very inner-core of thriving life. Expressing with pure openness. Joys and failures. Thrills and burdens. Fulfillments and struggles. Blessings and temptations. Expressing all without fear of condemnation while intimately praying with thankfulness radiating gratefulness as moments of living life were cherished. Prayer is not complicated. Humans complicate prayer with many words. Prayer is intimacy: It is having an intimate conversation expressing our feelings, our thoughts, our desires, our thankfulness. It is realizing this world; all its worldly ways are all temporary. Life is unstable within the ways of this world. Hardships: they are real encounters within everyday struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties. Prayer: It is like zero gravity releasing heaviness of living among the ways of this world. Within prayer: Our Life breathes unity within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. Our life engaging within heaven above as we allow our life to live intimately trusting this open communication actively flowing within living affirmation, undeniable faithfulness, protective promises. Something miraculous occurs within this openness; our life is personally engaging within heaven above. Remember ~ Engaging within heaven above is life-changing. Absolutely unachievable within the ways of this world. Prayer: It is hearing so tenderly, it is listening quietly with the ability to feel The Lord Our God’s engageable Spirit flowing softly, gently, deeply within our heart, our mind, our soul; our very inner-core of thriving life. A protective Spirit. An engageable Spirit breathing heavenly gentleness within every moment of life. A life-changing Spirit engaging our sinfulness. Everyone is experiencing that soft quiet voice deeply within. But many are not living tuned-in. Our life must live alert. There are no coincidences in life within this world; they are intimately created God incidences; blessings with specific purpose for our life. It will take wisdom with discernment to hear the soft quiet voice of the dwelling Holy Spirit; a protective Spirit desiring to direct every moment of our life. Live alert. Trusting within Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit will bring livable peace. Heavenly peacefulness engaging within our heart. Discerning wisdom engaging within our mind. Soothing restfulness engaging within our weary soul. Godliness living within our inner-core of thriving life. Trusting within times of hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties; In those worldly storms of life. They will challenge our ability to put aside the ways of this world. Remember ~ satan will inflict hopelessness using the ways of this world to lash out when least expected with anger, slander, harassment, resentfulness, hatred. Using intentional force attempting to bring intimidation to win battles. Never forget ~satan will do everything possible to get in the way of heavenly unity. Attempting to inflict worldly fear with weariness, harm with discouragement, isolation with hopelessness. Living among this fast-changing aggressive world. It will challenge our living faith everyday. Our trust. Our dedication. Our intimacy. Our love for Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. As our life lives confronted with harmful conflict inflicted from worldly ways. Prayer: It is the protective foundation defeating the enemy and overpowering satan’s confrontational army. Reading, holding, and engaging within the living bible. It will bring living encouragement to have perseverance with wisdom, discernment, and patience. Heaven above engaging within our life as satan implements ungodliness among strategic attacks. Live alert. Fellowshipping is a deterrent to isolation, as our life lives reaching out into our Christian community. Attending church regularly will strengthen our life. Church: It is The Lord Our Gods army of believers praying intimately together as a community of disciples with sole purpose to hear that soft quiet voice directing lives within the battles of life. These worldly times are not meant to be easy. They are instilling engageable hopefulness; new life living deep within our heart, our mind, our soul. Storms of life; they will provide active opportunities for our life to willingly live believing, accepting, trusting, following within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. Every moment of life is fully engageable within heaven above. Our life living within protective blessing: living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. Live alert. It will take tremendous restraint not to lash back when confronted, challenged, attacked. Moments our life is feeling worldly trapped, discouraged, isolated, hopeless. These moments of life will require reaching deep within our heart, our mind, our soul. Remembering the undeniable faithfulness of The Lord Our God engaging within our past. Remembering our life is never living alone, forsaken or abandoned. Our life must live alertly. Remembering to live engaging within intimately pray; Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit' says The LORD Almighty. This is life within The Lord Our God; it is fully engageable. Slowdown. Quietly listen. Intimately live within stillness. Heaven above is fully engaging within our life. Live moments of life protectively alert.?
Father ~ Thank you for providing engageable hope to endure. Living hope to move forward. Intimate hope to trust. Life-changing hope to live again. Abba Father ~ I will need protective help resisting the worldly temptations to rebel, fight back, and lash out at this world. Intimately open my heart, my mind, my soul to live feeling unifying compassion not divisional anger. Helping my life live within heaven above when confronted with the ways of this world conflicting with the holiness within the living bible. Protectively breathe living hope into my inner-core of thriving life; agape love breathing heavenly unity not worldly division. Helping my life protectively live within life-changing Godliness; my life living engaging within everlasting life in heaven. Protectively helping my life intimately live within you forever Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.
Michael J Zenner
7 个月Amen