Prayer of an Ignorant Man
In the summer of 1995 I was rushed to Hines Veterans hospital after experiencing a heart attack. When I arrived at the emergency room they checked my vital signs and noticed serious bleeding had occurred. My skin and the white of my eyes were yellow. My blood pressure dropped and I began to convulse. They transfused me and transferred me to Intensive Care. Within a few minutes there, I died. I was gone for eight minutes as the Doctors and nurses worked on me. During those minutes I experienced a salvaging of my soul. I learned more about myself and where I fit in the scheme of Creation. I learned that my art was my teacher. Upon my return I wrote the following prayer...
My Dear Divine Providence, how powerful is your thought that it contains all of creation! A thought so brilliantly conceived that its complexity is reflected in every atom in every thing, past, present and future. A thought that gives shape and freedom to countless life forms, allowing each of them independence and free choice during their life cycle. A thought so generous to one such as I, as to allow a measure of your knowledge to penetrate my humble imagination. A thought that allows each of us to see what we are able to grasp and comprehend of your Genius. A thought that allows us to grow in understanding and wisdom from our many mistakes and transgressions. A thought so rich in beauty and balance that all things fit perfectly and compliment a purpose of harmony and grace. A thought with a purpose allowing all things flow and advancement in cycles of rhythm geared to each others place and quality. Each having a value of place and importance of its own. Each needed by the other to fulfill its purpose. Nothing left to chance and nothing wasted. So exquisite a design, that all things fit and compliment a purpose of harmony and beauty. Divine Providence, what I am able to comprehend amazes and excites me beyond words. I love you and thank you for all that you have given me.