A Prayer of Gratefulness
Erica Nelson, MSHS, MBA
Servant Leader | Intercessor | Pastor | Results-Proven Strategist | Author | Poet | Songwriter | Brand Strategist | Christian Motivational Speaker + Influencer | Intentional
“Through our struggles GOD births my success!” – E. Nelson
Dearest God,
I thank you that you’ve been right there when I’ve ever needed you! You encamp Angels around me; all day they minister to me. I thank you that my praise & worship is what gets me through the darkest hours. My remembrance of what Your Word says concerning me compels me to fall before you with thanksgiving. Thank you for our intimate relationship that I feel more and more each day. Thank you that out of every painful experience, I grow stronger & wiser.
There’ve been times when I would’ve lost hope, I would’ve given up and wanted to die BUT then I remember just how good you are & have been to me, so much so, that it quickens my Spirit, going from feelings of isolation & desperation straight into feelings of restoration & reconciliation with you.
God, in this life you’ve promised it to be an abundant life, a prosperous life that is eternity bound. I’m learning life’s meaning of your precepts through all of my physical & emotional pain. It’s through this pain that my faith increases and my hope in you steers me forward, up & out of depression past anxiety into a state of peace that both relieves & refreshes me.
While I don’t profess to understand every painful situation’s meaning, upfront, I’m learning how to endure as you would endure. I’m growing in your Divine Wisdom to know that you have plans for my life, to do me good & not evil!
I know you don’t torture me but that you mature me, you strengthen me, you empower me! Thank you for never leaving me in my pain but always rescuing me! I choose to love you because you first loved me. No one else loves me like you do. How great is the feeling to be loved by you! It amazes me how your love transcends from my Spirit to my inner man. It changes me externally, too. I go into a state of smiling. I feel you in both The Spirit & inside my body. You hug me.
I'm compelled by you and in awe of you. So, I’m choosing to take each day as you give it, in gratefulness, for your grace and your mercy towards me. I appreciate your lovingkindness. I’m bound to serve you, through the good and through the bad for you love me in my good and in my bad.
God, continue to GET YOUR GLORY OUT OF ME! Continue grooming me so that so your glory shines bright, internally & externally; I want others to see you through me! I'll stand and continually TESTIFY that YOU ARE GOOD! For you are our Good, Good Father!
This prayer is signed, sealed & delivered to You through Jesus The Christ, Amen. Bless your Holy Name.
Love, E.