Prayer Capsule
Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
Intercessory prayer helps us to understand the nature of God. So we ask the question: What does prayer tell us about God? A close examination of some of the major prayers in scripture shows that they begin by acknowledging the transcendence of God. These intercessors address God as One who dwells “in heaven” and “dwellest between the cherubims” ( 2 Chronicles 20:6; Isaiah 37: 16). In other words Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah acknowledged that God transcends or lives apart from His creation. Therefore, God is not part of His creation but He is separate and distinct from His creation. Our prayer for others gives the Holy Spirit access to their hearts. However, as we pray for others the Holy Spirit also gains access to our hearts to recreate them, cleanse them and empower us in the ministry of prayer for the lost. The principles of prayer are divine pre-requisites necessary to give the Holy Spirit access to our hearts and the hearts of others in a ministry of prayer (White 2002)