A Prayer for Bringing Our Annoyed, Irritated Attitude to Jesus
By: Scotty Smith
Source: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/scotty-smith/a-prayer-for-bringing-our-annoyed-irritated-attitude-to-jesus/
Fools?show their annoyance at once.?Prov. 12:16 ?(NIV)
Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the bosom of fools.?Eccl. 7:9 ?(ESV)
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,?gentleness, and self-control.?Gal. 5:22-23 ?(NLT)
Dear Lord Jesus,
Before this day takes flight, I want to own the annoyed, irritated attitude I feel roaming my heart. [Insert your personal situations] In the last few days, it hadn’t taken much to “bug” me and put me in a bad frame—like lifting an empty milk carton from the “frig” when I wanted a bowl of cereal; someone taking two parking places for their new car when I’m running late for a lunch appointment; the colorful spinning disk on my computer screen saying “I’m not ready to open your file just yet.”
Allowing someone to change my pattern to fit their pattern. Calling people idiots. Or dropped calls and unexpected visitors, eggshells in my omelet and road construction on my route, junk mail in my mailbox and robotic phone calls to my “do not call” registered phone number, delayed flights, and deflated bike tires; people that nurse grudges, talk with food in their mouths and laugh too loud; forgotten passwords, appointments and names… Help me, Jesus!
I don’t want to be that fool who shows his annoyance at once or in whose bosom anger lodges like a welcomed guest. Settle me and center me by the grace, truth, and power of the gospel. I make no effort to justify my sinful, self-centered, snarly attitude.
Instead of indulging the ways of my “flesh” any longer, I surrender to the work of your Spirit at this moment. I repent for not repenting sooner. Thank you for your forgiveness. Jesus, you are my righteousness, peace, and joy. Though I’m no longer condemned for my sins, I want to be convicted about them sooner and deeper. Humble me, gentle me, and free me, Jesus. So very Amen, I pray, in your holy and loving name.?