Pray. Smile. Fish.
Hey y’all. I want to thank everyone for the continued support for those that have just started following the page and to those who have been here since day one. I appreciate you all.
I wanted to take some time to update the mission statement of this page, and its exactly the three words above:
Pray. Smile. Fish.
Pray. God is my priority and I try (not always succeeding) to become more like Christ each and every single day. The last few years have brought me to my knees more than once, but in doing so they also brought me to the Lord. I officially accepted God into my life this past year and am incredibly humbled looking back and seeing how He was with me all those years, even when I wasn’t with Him. I hope to continue to grow in my faith and use this page to learn from those who have walked with Christ longer than I, and also hopefully inspire others and bring them to the Lord.
Smile. I hope in some way this page and I can make you smile or lift you up in some way. Life gets stressful and times get hard, but I want this page to always be here to lift you up when you need it. Whether I can get you to see how blessed you are by showing you my terrible rapping skills or get a laugh out of you by letting you know that Depends can act like hot hands for your crotch. I am a pretty silly person and I don’t know if that’s who I have often portraited myself as, but I aspire to be more authentic, be more myself and hopefully get some laughs out of you along the way.
Fish. Of course, this page will still feature fishing stuff. As I said, I want to be authentic and fishing is very much a part of who I am as a person. It is certainly not all that I am, but it is definitely a large part of my life. I still have so much to learn in this amazing sport and hopefully we can grow together. I often share strategies and techniques and ideas, but I am in no way an expert and would love feedback and input and ideas of ways to be more productive on the water.
Again, I just wanted to say thank you for the continued support, I feel incredibly blessed to have the opportunities that I have been given. Have a wonderful week y’all. Love and prayers!