PRAY . . . evil everywhere . . . LOVE

PRAY . . . evil everywhere . . . LOVE

CRITICAL THINKING PEOPLE . . . please just Wake The F Up.?{F = ‘flowers’ to grow up in God’s sun light}

There’s a tri-fold – Father, Son & Holy Spirit.?How do they [evil] F it up?

“Ellipse” type in duck duck go . . . what do you find . . .

What do you not sea [sic] see; the evil??{hint – water – sea – pre-birth (GOD LIFE PLAN 23 + 23 = 46) RNA/DNA chromosomes, creation, GOD life, in placenta [W]ater ànd then breath [A]ir à on the [L]and?. . . LAW. . . Land Air Water}?Here’s a rabbit hole; why would anyone ever take the Soul of a baby’s foot “print” and draw the baby’s blood for the good of any mother known only on the “registration” of a “Birth Certificate” as a contractual “Informant” with a “bond number” on the back of that certificate??Hmmmmm??Bond…money…evil…not-natural!?Just saying…hmmmmm…WTF??WTFU.?Why go down a rabbit hole when you can just take the elevator?

Now try a search on [dc london Vatican] . . . what did you find?

What are “territories”??What is Washington DC??{Think military} What is London??{Think bank}?What is the Vatican??{Think religion}?So with a tri-fold of territories you have military power, backed by money, all combined in a religious coup to control GODs’ childrens minds of Man and Woman, to kill and destroy all that GOD loves and falsely claiming all children as “goats” kids??If you thought that London was a ‘city’ in the United Kingdom you were wrong; it’s a territory.?If you thought that the Vatican was a city in Italy you were wrong.?If you thought that Washington DC was a part of America you were wrong; it’s been owned by the Crown since about 1871.?Your flag, “Old Glory” is red, white, and blue.?There are no decorative ‘Crown’ colors of yellow on old glory, our American War Flag.?It’s been a captured flag since a time in the 1800’s. Have you ever seen the American ‘peace flag’ hung up??{oh 1800s again}

Job 32:21 “Let me not, I pray you, accept any man’s person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man.”?This is the word of the Lord.?Bless you Jeshuia, Jesus Christ.

Why is this relevant??Are you a slave??Are you a ‘[C]itizen’, ‘[P]erson’, ‘[R]esident’ (CPR) or ‘[I]ndividual’??Or are you a Man or a Woman??Why would you CONSENT to any ‘manmade creation’ ignoring your Natural Birthright from GOD??Reference:

Genesis 2:7And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”?{Not a “person” JOB 32:21}

Genesis 2: 22 “And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.”??

Genesis 2:17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof shall surely die.”?

Here’s a quick question many may have never asked, why is it that the tree of knowledge 2:17 was created after man 2:7 and before woman 2:22??Where is the Book of Q??Maybe consider thinking DUMBs under the Vatican.?Critical Thinking People . . . just wake up . . . please . . . start talking!!!

In short and stated lightly, contracts can be a very powerful weapon to destroy this EVIL once and for all.??LOVE is GOD’s way through each and every one of you {evil please repent} and GOD fearing children of GOD {not ‘kid’s = small goats . . . the “deplorables” by evil ones; but rather GODs “children”}.?I fear not evil for I am already saved and this is the word of the Lord.?

I miss my mommy so much, . . .

in heaven on or about February 4, 2018, RIP [NO] Fight Like Hell; I know U R; be with you soon, Gregory Allan? from the Wolfe clan.?GOD LOVES ALL.?Pray.


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