Pravin Agrawal`s Quotes on Love Part 2

Pravin Agrawal`s Quotes on Love Part 2

Pravin Agrawal`s Quotes on Love

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About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost my all posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost my all posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.

This book has been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

It is the collection of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read this book again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

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Violence and its support

Those who do violence!

Or support it!

They remain in miseries!

Even after death!

There should not be!

Even slightest of doubt!

They are thrown!

As dogs, cats etc!

In next births!

They can never get peace!

Until they change their path!

Since it is the law of nature!

Like third law of Newton!

Whatever you give!

You get the same in multiple!

Almighty does not do anything!

Only nature is created like this!

Nature supports love and peace!

Nature punishes hatred, violence!


Gita and Quran

Gita and Quran!

They are not for reading!

But for following!

Follow the contents!

Which you consider true!

Then you see the miracle!

You will know Almighty one day!

You will see Him one day!

Gita does not say!

Quran does not say!

Love only those who read it!

Gita and Quran say!

Love all human!

But what you do!

You read Gita and love only Hindu!

You read Quran and love only Muslim!

You go to temple and love only Hindu!

You go to mosque and love only Muslim!

And due to this reason!

You are unable to know Almighty!

Gita Quran temple mosque say!

Love all human!

Not only your community!

Love other children not only yours!

Those who are in Ramayana!

Those who are in Quran!

They made their life!

By behaving properly!

If you you behave as per them!

You can also change your life!


Just love me

Just love me!

And nothing else!

You are not required!

To do anything!

Don't read the blogs!

Don't read scriptures!

Don't go to temples!

Don't go to mosques!

Don't go to Tirupati!

Don't go to Kaba!

Don't do any hardship!

Don't trouble your body!

Just love me!

And nothing else!

It is my promise!

It is my sacred vow!

Even if you are most sinner

In the entire universe!

I will burn your all the sins!

Into the ashes within moments!

Just love me!

And nothing else!

Love is the only Dharma!

Love is the only religion!

Love is the only language!

Love is the only color!

Which fills you!

With all colors!

Just love me!

And nothing else!

This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


You are my Radhe


You are my Radhe!

Irrespective of your





Langu- age





Des- ignation



Pove- rty


Etc etc

Why I don't see your gender?

Since you were man or woman!

In different births!

Since I see only soul!

And I love you

As Radhe


Radha lives in you!

Radha smiles in you!

Radha dances in you!

Radha speaks in you!

Radha beautifies in you!


Radha loves in you!



If you are Muslim!

And you want to follow!

The practices of Hindu religion!

No need of conversion!

You can remain as Muslim!

If you are Hindu!

And you want to follow!

The practices of Muslim religion!

No need of conversion!

You can remain as Hindu!

Why there should be a need

For conversion?

When Almighty is one and only one!

For all the religions!

All religions are different rivers!

Almighty is endless ocean!

All rivers meet the same!

At the end!

Religions have not been created

By Almighty!

Religions have been created!

By the man!

You must know!

Love is the only religion of man!

Any act which promotes

Love and happiness!

That is true practice!

That is true religion!

Any act which promotes

Hatred and unhappiness!

That is false practice!

That is false religion!

Since aim of your life!

Since aim of your birth!

To be happy ultimately!

To get peace ultimately!

If you want to know Almighty!

If you want to see Him!

Your mind should be converted!

Not your religion! Caste!

From bad thoughts to good!

From bad action to good!

From bad speach to good!

From bad company to good!

From selfish acts to selfless!

Then no need to go temple!

Then no need to go mosque!

Then no need to go Tirupati!

Then no need to go Kaba!

Then Krishna will come at your home!

Then Allah will come at your home!

And one day you will see that!


Even if you fail

I take exams of my lovers!

To make them stronger!

Even if you fail!

You should never think!

You have no chance now!

My doors are never closed!

For those who really love me!

Even if you fail!

Your efforts are never wasted!

On my path!

You are never required to repeat!

You have to forward from the point!

Where you failed!

In this birth or next!

Since on my path everything is useful!

You desire or not!

This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


If you become fish

If you become fish!

For some time!

Then you can know Almighty!

Very soon!

If a fish is removed out of water!

What is its condition!

If same condition is yours!

You will immediately witness Almighty!

Shortcoming is not from Almighty!

Shortcoming is from your side!

No lacking of love from Almighty!

Lacking of love only from you!

You say that Almighty doesn't exist!

But, when you become fish!

Then you will say!

Only Almighty exists!


What is Satsanga?

In real sense!

Satsanga is company of truth!

If it becomes!

Then no need of Satsanga!

But in worldly sense!

Satsanga is good company!

Company of good friends!

Company of good thoughts!

Your life becomes!

As per your company!

If you have company of wise!

You will become wise!

If you have company of terrorists!

You will become terrorist!

If you have company of fools!

You will become fool!

If you have company of intellectuals!

You will become intellectual!

If you have company of politicians!

You will become politician!

Your company makes your life!

Your company spoils your life!

When you are born!

You are innocent!

But your company makes you!

Your company spoils you!

You are fortunate!

For the company of Almighty lovers!


You can not hear these nice words!

You can not know these sacred words!

You can not know these secrets!

How to become slim?

Love Almighty!

Love anyone!

Love all!

Love some one special!

Worry makes you slim!

Worry about Almighty!

Worry about someone special!

As a part of Almighty!

If you love Almighty!

You will become slim!

Since you will remember Him!

All the times.

If you remember Almighty!

If you remember any one!

If you remember some one special!

As part of Almighty!

Then you will become slim!

You will reduce your weight!

If you worry about any one!

You will become slim!

And the best one is Almighty!

Think any one as a part of Almighty!

Hence if you want to be slim!

Remember Almighty!

Remember some one special!

As a part of Almighty!


Body is expression of love

Body is expression of love!

Since you can't see the soul!

You love every one!

Only for soul!

If soul is not there!

Body is dead!

Then you do not love!

The body!

Then you want!

To dispose off!

The body!

At the earliest!

Hence you love the soul!

Not the body!

But due to ignorance!

You think that you love body!

Main thing

Main thing is not your body!

Main thing is your mind!

Even if you hate me by body!

But you love me in mind!

You actually love me!

But the best are those!

Who are same!

By body and mind!

Body dies!

But mind remains for ever!

Even after death!

And that is not physical mind!

That is subtle mind!

Which is the cause of

Your next birth!

Once your subtle mind dies!

It is called liberation!

And that is possible!

After thousands of births!

And after liberation!

No further birth!

Then your entire sorrows

Are vanished for ever!

Love doesn't see the age!

Love is God!

God is love!

Love does not see the age!

Love is eternal without age!

Main thing is not the age!

Main thing is your thought!

Main thing is not body!

Main thing is mind!

Read about

Imran Khan

Who is Pak PM

Salman Khan

Shahrukh Khan

Akshaya Kumar

Sanjay Dutt

All Film-stars

They can do

Love and Romance

At this age!

Why not you?

They may be doing

Love and romance

With ignorance!

You do

Love and romance

With knowledge!

Thus welcome

In the light!

Divine light!

Divine knowledge!

Do romance with God!

Present inside everyone!

But without

Want of any fruit!

What is illusion? What is Maya?

What is illusion?

What is Maya?

Except yourself!

Every thing is Maya!

Every thing is illusion!

Every thing does not exist!

Your intellect is illusion!

Your subtle mind is illusion!

Your senses are illusion!

Your body is illusion!

Sky is illusion!

Sun is illusion!

Moon is illusion!

Stars are illusion!

Ocean is illusion!

Forests are illusion!

Mountains are illusion!

Deserts are illusion!

Fire is illusion!

Earth is illusion!

Water is illusion!

Air is illusion!

All will be vanished one day!

Except yourself!

Except love!

Except Almighty!

No appointment is required for Almighty!

If you want to meet Prime Minister, President, Ministers, etc you need to take prior appointment.

But to meet Almighty, no appointment is required!

His doors are always open for all!

But only one thing is required to meet Him!

That is love!

Your pure love!

And nothing else!

Even if you are vilest sinner!

Even if you are sinner most in the entire universe!

And once you meet Him the sins of your thousands of births are burnt in to the ashes within a


Like thousands of tons cotton kept in a godown is burnt in to the ashes by a touch of a spark!

I love you, not your things!

I love you!

Not your things!

Not your caste!

Not your religion!

Not your power!

Not your wealth!

Not your property!

Not your status!

Not your popularity!

Not your richness!

Not your poverty!

Not your post!

Not your designation!

Not your grand bungalow!

Not your grand office!

Not your huge factory!

Not your beautiful palace!

Not your large empire!

Etc etc!

Since they can not give me happiness!

Since they are just time pass!


Only you can give me happiness!

Not your things!


Only I can give you happiness!

Not my things!

You are free to give happiness!

You are not free to get happiness!

But if you give happiness!

You will get happiness!

And happiness can be given!

By loving only!

If I love you as a part of Almighty!

I will always be happy!

Spirituality, love and peace!

For Spirituality, love and peace!

You will have to go beyond the religion!

You will have to go above the religion!

Since the religion is just A, B, C, D!

Then only you can get love!

Then only you can get peace!

Then only you can get joy!

Else, they will be just dream!

Your Divine Power will increase!

Your divine power or spiritual power will increase -

If someone scolds you and you don't reply!

If someone hurts you!

If you obey rightful order of elders!

If you do Namaste to any one!

If you give regards to any one!

If you don't give comfort to your body!

If you give comfort to every creature!

If you care trees and plants!

If you consume less!

If you come out of your comfort zone!

If you speak truth!

If you resort to non-violence!

If you are selfless!

If you are dutiful!

If someone cheats you!

If someone takes any thing from you!

If you give any thing to anyone!

If someone misbehaves with you!

If you don't take food for some time!

If you don't take water for some time!

If you remain silent!

If you are not angry even if someone is angry with you!

If you keep your good deeds secret!

If you don't share your divine experience except to a Guru!

If you respect all religions!

If you help all human and animals!

If you spread Spiritual knowledge!

If spread the virtues of religious books!

If you give example by your deeds!

If you are not greedy!

If you are not proud!

If you are humble!

If you have compassion!

If you have faith on Almighty!

If you have lesser desire!

If you have lesser attachment!

If you have lesser ego!

If you don't cheat anyone!

If you remain peaceful!

If you see a part of Almighty in every one!

If you see this world as dream!

If you see this world as movie!

If you see this world as a game!

If you follow the saying of Gods!

If you have patience!

If you remember Almighty!

If you love all!

Why do we need Liberation or Mukti?

Some of my dear friends asked the question!

Question is excellent!

Why do we need liberation, Mukti or Nirvana?

If you are not knowing any thing, you should not try to learn?

If we are in dark, we should remain in the dark? We should not try to come in light?

If you know any thing wrong, you should not try to find the correct answer?

If you are doubtful about any thing, you should not clear your doubts?

The question is like this -

Why do we need love?

Why bird should fly?

Why fish should swim?

Why you want happiness?

If you are in jail, you should remain in jail?

If you are ignorant, you must remain ignorant?

Why do you want education?

Why do you want knowledge?

You are living in a self-made prison of your thoughts, you must remain there? You should not try

to be free from there?

A prisoner should not try to be free from the jail? He must always remain in the same jail?

If you do not know yourself, you should not try to know?

Is that much happiness which you enjoy in your daily life?

Now you must have got the reply of your question!

Spirituality is the Solution of Everything!

Spirituality is the solution of every problem.

Spirituality is the solution of all riots.

Spirituality is the solution of all chaos.

Spirituality is the solution of all violences.

By Spirituality you know what is real Dharma.

By Spirituality you know what is real Karma.

By Spirituality you know what is real love.

By Spirituality you know what is real peace!

By Spirituality you know what is real health.

By Spirituality you know what is real happiness.

By Spirituality you know what is real knowledge.

By Spirituality you know what is real education.


By Spirituality you know your real existence.

The cause of sorrows is ignorance.

When you remove your ignorance by Spirituality.

Then you become happy in real sense.

Then you know what is actual life.

Then you finish your all quarrels.

Then you finish your all struggles.

Then you finish your all worries.

Then you finish your all tensions.


Then you become happy in real sense.

If you are not selected in IAS or IIT

If you are not selected in IAS or IIT, etc.

But it was your very purpose, aim, target and you lost it. You are feeling looser. Your other

friends have been selected.

Don't worry. Don't loose your heart!

You must think :

If all people will become IAS, who will perform the other jobs?

If all people become IIT, who will do the other jobs?

It has been done by the Almighty!

He can never do anything bad for you!

Since He loves you!

Certainly He has chosen anything better for you for which you are most suitable.

He does not want any thing for you which people consider to be the best.

But He wants any thing for you which will make you feel happy and which is most suitable for


Since He knows about you better than you!

It is not necessary that any thing which public considers the best will make you happy ultimately!

Hence always see your happiness since every thing is done to make you happy finally.

Hence be happy on the decision of Almighty!

Don't loose your heart!

No one is bigger, no one is smaller!

No one is bigger!

No one is smaller!

If you say that you are bigger due to -

Your post and designation!

Your wealth or property!

Your popularity or reputation!

Your millions of followers!

Etc etc!

Then you are entirely wrong!

You are in illusion!


Someone will be surely bigger than you!

Someone will be surely smaller than you!

Do you know who is the biggest!

In the entire universe!

The person who is settled in Almighty!

Since nothing is greater than Almighty!

But He also loves to remain under lovers!

Words of Wisdom: Life

Life ends when you stop dreaming!

Hope ends when you stop believing!

Love ends when you stop caring!

Hence dream, hope and love!

Make life beautiful!

Words of Wisdom: Love

Attachment is very opposite of love.

Love says - I want you to be happy.

Attachment says - I want you to make me happy.

You should not be in hurry!

If you want to know yourself!

You should not be in hurry!

Take it easy!

It is the aim of your life!

Since so many births!

Kings used to leave their kingdom!

To serve the sages in the forests!

Only for this purpose!

Only to know themselves!

Only to know Almighty!

This is the path of ultimate bliss!

This is the path of ultimate love!

This is the journey of ultimate peace!

This is the journey of ultimate joy!

This is the journey of ultimate knowledge!

After this nothing remains to be achieved!

After this nothing remains to be known!

After this nothing remains to be done!

Even if you become fully sure!

That Almighty exists!

Then your half journey!

In this direction is complete!

Even if you know Almighty!

In this life!

It is the major achievement!

Of your so many births!

Even if you know yourself!

After spending your!

Many precious years!

It is the major achievement!

Hence you should not!

Leave your journey!

Hence you should not leave!

Your efforts!

Since effort in this direction!

Never wasted!

If I love your body

If I love your body!

And not you!

Not your soul!

Then tomorrow certainly!

There will be a body!

More beautiful!

Than your body!

And I will shift my love!

To that body!

And no end of this!

Hence I must!

Never love your body!

But only to you!

Only to your Atma!

And you must also do the same!

Never love the body!

Always love the soul!

Love me only : Divine voice from sky

If you want to love me!

Love me only!

Then you can progress!

More rapidly!

Else it may take ages!

To know yourself!

To experience the bliss!

To be of mine for ever!

Forget your worldly friends!

Don't talk with them!

Since you are mine!

You will have to be mine only!

Focus only on me!

Look only unto me!

Don't see!

Here and there!

Your energy is scattered!

If you love me!

And also your!

Worldly friends!

Your energy is scattered!

If you talk with me!

And also!

Your worldly friends!

Your energy is scattered!

If you shake hand with me!

And also!

Your worldly friends!

You will have to keep!

Your energy intact!

Only for me!

Only for you!

Then only!

We can be one for ever!

Then only!

You can know yourself!

Then only!

You can experience the bliss!

Then only!

You can be mine for ever!

Real Dharma

Real Dharma is not the worship

In temple

In mosque

In Gurudwara

In Church

Since you are worshipping

At these places since ages

Could you find Almighty?

No, you can't find there!

All these are the ABCD

Of Dharma

All these are

Just symbolic

Real Dharma is

To love mankind

Real Dharma is

To love every creature

Real Dharma is

Not to hurt any one

By your

Body, mind or speech

Real Dharma is

To make you stronger

By withstanding

The adversity

Of others

Real Dharma is

To win your




Real Dharma is

To win yourself


Then you see the miracle

Then you will find

The Almighty

Inside you

Not in





E- tc

One day you will say!

One day you will say -

I used to sit on this chair!

I used to study in this IIT!

I used to sit on this chair of


Prime Minister





Chair should not make you big!

You must make the chair big!

Chair should not decorate you!

You must decorate the chair!

You should not feel lucky on sitting the chair!

Chair must feel lucky for your sitting!

Since nothing is permanent in this universe!

Make use of your chair!

So that chair must feel fortunate!

People must remember you for your love!

I cheat you if

I cheat you if

I give you any thing!

I take any thing from you!

But if you give me any thing!

Out of love!

Then I can take it!

But if you take any thing from me!

Out of love!

I can give you!

And same is the case with you!

If you give me any thing!

You cheat me!

If you take any thing from me!

You cheat me!

If give n take is out of love!

Then every thing becomes love!

Words of Wisdom: Existence

Non-existent things can never exist!

You may doubt on existence of Lord Rama!

You may doubt on existence of Lord Krishna!

You may doubt on existence of Gita!

You celebrate Gandhi Jayanti every year!

You will continue to celebrate it!

After many years people may doubt on existence of Gandhi also!

It will not mean that Gandhi never existed!

After many years people may doubt on your existence also!

It will not mean that you never existed!

Deepavali is being celebrated since so many years!

And there was reason that it started!

And being celebrated!

And it will continue to be celebrated!

Hence we should not doubt on its related stories!

Hence we should not doubt on existence of Lord Rama!

Hence we should not doubt on existence of Lord Krishna!

Hence we should not doubt on Gita!

Wishing You and Your Loved ones Happy Deepavali!

What will you do of promotion?

You want promotion to show others?

Why you. want to show others?

Is your existing income not sufficient?

Then why do you want promotion?

You want promotion for comfort?

Why comfort to body?

You will make your body weak!

You will reduce your comfort zone!

You will give comfort to your body!

Not to yourself!

You will be more dependent on others!

Not on yourself!

You want more power?

Why do you want more power?

Do you want to rule on others?

You want to get any thing else?

To get anything in the world,

Only love is sufficient!

Then why do you want promotion?

To show your status?

Why do you want to show your status?

So that people may appreciate you?

People will appreciate you from outside!

Really they will be jealous!

Real appreciation is of your quality!

Which will be from inside of people!

Your every work should be only for you!

Not for others!

Your every work should be only for your satisfaction!

Not for showing the others!

Always remember!

Highest you go!

Lowest you fall!

And more pain on leaving!

Since the thing which gives you!

More happiness!

Will give you more pain!

On missing!

Almighty bestows Divine Love!

Almighty bestows the gift of divine love!

To spread the fragrance of love!

To know your true identity!

To eliminate your pains!

Of your thousands of births!

Due to His infinite mercy!

You can not imagine about His kindness!

Sex is also worship of Almighty!

Everything is worship of Almighty!

Sex is also worship of Almighty!

If you consider Your lover as a part of Almighty!

If it is to continue the world!

If it is to help other!

If it is selfless!

If it is to save the life!

If it is for divine purpose!

If its purpose is pure!

It is to improve you!

It is to bring you near to Almighty!

Why you consider sex as different than other things?

If you give any thing to anyone!

If you take anything from anyone!

The same principle holds good for sex!

If you do not snatch the right of any one, it is sacred!

If you worship Almighty by it, it is sacred!

If you feel that Almighty will be happy by your act, it is sacred!

If you worship Almighty by any thing, it is called as sacred!

Since Almighty is sitting in all people!

If your work is for Almighty!

Then, even wrong becomes the right!

Since if any thing

Which brings you near to Almighty is good!

Which takes you away from Almighty is bad!

No appointment is required for Almighty!

If you want to meet Prime Minister, President, Ministers, etc you need to take prior appointment.

But to meet Almighty, no appointment is required!

His doors are always open for all!

But only one thing is required to meet Him!

That is love!

Your pure love!

And nothing else!

Even if you are vilest sinner!

Even if you are sinner most in the entire universe!

And once you meet Him the sins of your thousands of births are burnt in to the ashes within a


Like thousands of tons cotton kept in a godown is burnt in to the ashes by a touch of a spark!

I and You

If you love me inside!

Love me outside also!

If you hate me inside!

Hate me outside also!

Be one and same!

Inside outside!

If you say something to me!

In your inside!

Say the same thing!

Out side also!

Why are you cheated!

By my look!

Why do you fear!

By my appearance!

I am the son of Almighty!

You are the son of Almighty!

Why should there be a wall!

Between you and me!

Since truth is one and same!

Inside outside!

Love is one and same!

Inside outside!

Since I and You!

Same and one!


Should only those people try for liberation who are old?

Do you know what is liberation?

People generally think that liberation can be achieved only after death. Hence only old people

must try for liberation.

This is their wrong conception.

Even a child can try for the liberation!

Take the example of Dhruv who was only five years old when he started to be liberated.

Prahlad, he was also a child when he was liberated.

And they did not die after their liberation.

It was the start of their happy, joyful and blissful life!

Else, ordinary living is not the actual living!

It is like living in a jail!

Whatever you are doing today, you can do after liberation also. But, then your mental attitude

will change!

Then your all the works will give you love, joy and happiness!

And that will not be temporary happiness like today.

Today you are happy at present. But tomorrow you may be unhappy.

But in that case you will be always happy, loving and blissful.

Liberation is a life beyond life and death!

And that is immortal life!


It is a challenge to you!

If you can come out of your comfort zone!

And what is that?

Even if you are King!

You can be beggar!

If your wife/ husband is abusing you!

Even then you can love her /him!

Even if you have many friends!

You can leave them for Almighty!

Even if you are too much out spoken!

You can remain silent!

Even if you travel in luxury car!

You can travel in ordinary city bus!

Even if you are old!

You can make children as your friends!

Even if you are young!

You can make elders as your friends!

Even if you are too much angry and Powerful!

You can withstand the abuse of a weaker person!

Even if you are too much proud!

You can clean the door of your neighbors!

Even if you are boss!

You can call your junior as Sir!

Even if you are busy!

You can leave your work for other!

Even if you are beautiful / handsome!

You can live as an ordinary/ simple!

Even if you have ocean of knowledge!

You can live as ignorant!

Even if you are highly educated!

You can live as illiterate!

Even if you do everything!

You say that you did nothing!

Even if you are IIT Gold medalist!

You can do farming!

Even if you are IAS!

You can do sweeping!

Even if you are billionaire!

You can live as a poor!

Even if you are offered a salary package of ten crore rupees!

But you can reject it to serve the poor and needy!

And all these should not be!

For showing to others!

Not for your name!

And fame!

Only you must know!

Not others!

And all these things should not be

By force!

All these things should be!


Then you can knock!

The doors of Almighty!

Then you can be beloved!

Of Almighty!

Then you can know!

The secrets of the universe!

Then you can know!

What you are!

O lord, accept my thanks!

O lord, please accept my infinite thanks


In the morning!

In the evening!

At night!

Even if I forget!

This holds good!

For past!


And future!

All three times!

Since I can't repay!

Your love!

Your gifts!

Your boons!

Your blessings!

Your everything!

Which you are giving!

Every moment!

Love needs sacrifice!

Love needs sacrifice!

Love makes you stronger!

You will have to leave the greed!

Of meeting your lover!

You will have to leave the greed!

Of seeing your lover!

Then you see the magic of love!

Then you see the secrets of the universe!

Words of Wisdom : Divine

If I give you!

I give you!

If I take from you!

I give you!

If I love you!

I give you!

If I scold you!

I give you!

Since my dealing is divine!

Since I am in divine!

You are my Radhe!

You are my Radhe!

You are my divine love!

Divine voice from sky: Love full-heartedly

You can achieve me!

You can know my secrets!

If You love me full-heartedly!

If you love me more than any person!

More than anything!

In the entire universe!

More than your children!

More than your wife!

More than your husband!

More than your parents!

More than your friends!

More than your car n bungalow!

More than your public image!

More than your name and fame!

More than your achievements!

More than your all property!

More than your prizes!

More than any other thing!

You will have to forget your!

All other friends!

If you want to make me friend!

Since one-pointedness is a must!

Focus only on me!

Not on any other thing!

Forget any other thing!

Except me!

If I'm dear to you!

If you really love me!

Then you can get my peace!

Then you can get my bliss!

Words of Wisdom: Family

You are very big selfish if you are worried only about you and not your family. You have to

sacrifice your advancement for your family!

Don't think that if you are better, then your family will be automatically better. That is wrong

concept. Family requires your sacrifice and personal touch, involvement at all times. Else your

children will become bad citizens of tomorrow! Your money, tutor, power, etc can not replace

you! All family members want your love, affection and care!

If you are worried only about your career, your promotions, your popularity, your image in public,

your chair, your honor, your ministership, your big post or designation your advancement, etc

and not of your family. Then you are very big selfish!

Your first and foremost responsibility is towards your family and children. Family is most

important for you, even more than yourself! Since family is basic unit of this universe. If family is

good, this universe will be a good place to live.

Hence concentrate on your family more than yourself. That will be a biggest worship! Since

Almighty resides in your children, parents, wife, husband. If they are happy, only then He can be


Love full-heartedly

Whatever you do, you do it full-heartedly not half-heartedly. If you love anyone or anything, love

full-heartedly not half-heartedly! Singleness of goal is first and foremost!

I did my BE at the early age of 21 years.

I was selected for ME and MBA just after that in IIT Roorkee. I attended the classes in ME for

some days but I was not much interested. At that time very less numbers of people used to

prefer ME etc.

In our time only those people used to do MTech or ME who were interested in teaching job or

who did not get any job or who used to prepare for competitive exams.

My family condition was not good. Hence I left ME.

But that was not good decision.

ME, MTech etc higher qualifications should be obtained to improve your knowledge and skill so

that you can contribute more for the society.

People should not do the same half-heartedly. If they want to prepare for competitive exams,

they should not join these courses. Also they should not join these courses as waiting period for

the job.

Just after getting the job after six months or so, they leave these courses. It is not good for the

nation and also for them.

They waste their precious time and also create loss to the nation.

Best way :

I use to say -

Never love the body

Always love the soul

But it is difficult to practice.

So, what to do?

You must see each other as Radha and Krishna.

Then it will become very easy.

Since Radha and Krishna are soul of each other.

See Radha in every lady!

See Krishna in every man!

Then be blessed very easily!

Words of Wisdom: Ego

We must learn lesson from lord Sri Krishna.

Though He was Almighty God Himself.

Yet He preferred to be driver of His lover Arjuna.

You must have seen many photos of Lord Sri Krishna in which He is driving Rath ie Chariot of

Arjuna. He was not having any ego.

It teaches us the lesson that no work is small.

We must learn from Him.

We must also try to be accordingly.

Words of Wisdom: Base

If I give you any thing!

I am in benefit!

Also you are in benefit!

If I take any thing from you!

I am in benefit!

Also you are in benefit!

If I love you!

It will be your benefit!

If I scold you!

It will be your benefit!

It depends on your base!

Which creates benefit or loss!

Base may be!

Worldly or divine!

You think that I love you only!

You think I love you only!

I love everyone!

I love your husband!

I love your wife!

I love your children!

I love all!

Why love should be

so reserved!

Let the love should spread

All over the sky!

But you should never think!

That I love your body!

If I love your body!

I will have to repent!

Never love the body!

Always love the soul!

You love every one for Atma!

You love every one!

For the soul only!

Not body!

Son loves father for Atma only!

Once the father dies!

He wants to dispose off the body!

At the earliest!

You love every one due to soul only!

Once he dies!

You want to cremate his body!

Without any delay!

It is your ignorance!

That you see him!

As a body!

When he is alive!

See every one as Atma!

Atma is part of Paramatma!

Treat him like that!

As son of God!

Thus, make Him happy!

And be happy!

If you love my body too much!

If you love my body too much!

Certainly you will be in too much pain!

On missing it or when I die!

Hence you should love me not my body!

Since Atma can never die!

Body will surely die!

If I love your body too much!

Certainly I will be in too much pain!

On missing it or when you die!

Hence I should love you not your body!

Since Atma can never die!

Body will surely die!

Hence, Never love the body!

Always love the soul!

Words of Wisdom: Be A Child

You must be as natural as a child.

He does not have any ego of status etc.

Meera left status of her kingdom!

Buddha left status of his kingdom!

You will have to love Him like a heroine who runs away from the house of her billionaire parents

for her poor lover in Hindi movies.

If you can't leave your status, pride, ego etc.

It means that you give more importance to all these things than Almighty.

Then how can you know Almighty?

You will have to give maximum importance to Almighty, more than any other thing or person in

the entire universe.

Then only you can knock the doors of Almighty!

No one is bigger, no one is smaller!

No one is bigger!

No one is smaller!

If you say that you are bigger due to -

Your post and designation!

Your wealth or property!

Your popularity or reputation!

Your millions of followers!

Etc etc!

Then you are entirely wrong!

You are in illusion!


Someone will be surely bigger than you!

Someone will be surely smaller than you!

Do you know who is the biggest!

In the entire universe!

The person who is settled in Almighty!

Since nothing is greater than Almighty!

But He also loves to remain under lovers!

A touch of God!

A touch of God is more than sufficient to make you divine!

But you must be eligible!

You must love Him!

Then only it is possible!

Else He may touch many persons!

But that will be of no use!

Krishna used to touch many people!

But Arjuna could get benefit!

Since He loved Him!

Words of Wisdom: Love

There are two persons who invite you.

One is the King and other is the the person who loves you.

To whom will you like to meet?

Generally people will prefer the King!

This is not the wisdom!

Lord Krishna was invited by king Duryodhan and Vidur who was an ordinary person but loved


Krishna refused to meet the king Duryodhan and accepted the invitation of Vidur!

Love is the greatest wealth on this earth which makes anyone equal to Loard!

Words of Wisdom: Independent Love

Love is always independent!

Love never depends upon the others!

You may love infinite people!

They may love you or not!

Love is your very nature!

Love takes you to Almighty!

Since God is love, love is God!

Sun loves everyone!

If you love sun!

You can take its warmth!

If you don't want to take!

Sun can not help!

Almighty loves you every one!

If you don't want to accept His Love!

Almighty can not help!


This universe is like a big glass house!

And you are standing inside it!

You are seeing your millions of reflections!

But of different faces!

Whatever you do for others!

You do for yourself!

But when a monkey enters in it!

He sees his millions of reflections!

He starts fighting with them!

Thus he kills himself!

You are doing like this monkey!

Since ages!

If you love!

You will get love!

If you hate!

You will get hate!

Words of Wisdom

Your post, designation, status, wealth, popularity, etc may enhance your ego. They may make

you proud.

But they never give peace. They are just to test you. They are just to trouble you.

Even your friends and relatives may become jealous by all these since then they may expect

something from you and you may not fulfill the expectations of all .

They may not give you naturality, ease and comfort mentally.

That is the reason Buddha left his kingdom to get the peace.

Peace, love and bliss are mental subjects not the physical.

It is the rule in this physical world that whichever thing gives you maximum happiness, it will

certainly give sorrows on missing it after some time since you become attached with it.

Fear in Love

I could not understand why people fear while talking about love?

Why people fear in expression of love?

Love is the natural phenomenon specifically gifted by Almighty to special people!

If you are married lady and and I am gent. And if I love you, then there is no harm if my love is

pure if my love is not for lust. Then your husband should not mind if he has faith.

Love is unlimited, infinite in nature. We can love thousands of people.

Modern ladies are doing job now a days. They need to meet many men in the office in

connection of the job. If their husbands start doubts on them then no woman can do the job.

Hence the bonding of relationship between husband and wife should be strong enough.

If love does not fear. If love is open. If love is not secret. If love is not for the lust. Then no one

should fear in expressing the love.

If love is in presence of all. Then there should be no fear, no doubt on love.

One may love you as a brother. One may love you as a friend. If there is no understanding

between you and your husband, then your relationship with your husband is very weak.

My wife had made a brother. He was about fifteen years elder than my wife. We were family

friends. Though earlier we were not knowing each other. He was having family of four children

and one wife. We used to visit his home. He used to visit our home. Some times my wife used to

visit alone to their house. Some times he used to visit in my home. I never objected.

Why there should be a doubt? I don't understand my wife? Why our relationship should be so


If you have any doubt on me, you have doubt on yourself! If you have doubt on yourself, then

you will doubt on me!

Since if I will take some advantage of you without your permission. Then you will not allow. You

are not so weak!

If you praise others!

If you praise others!

You praise yourself!

If you insult others!

You insult yourself!

If you cheat others!

You cheat yourself!

If you benefit others!

You benefit yourself!

If you welcome others!

You welcome yourself!

If you ignore others!

You ignore yourself!

If you love others!

You love yourself!

If you doubt on others!

You doubt on yourself!

Whatever you do for others!

You do for yourself!

Since Almighty has made!

Such a nature!

Never be attached with body!

If you are attached with my body!

Then you will be too much sad!

If any thing wrong happens to my body!

And it is certain since body is temporary!

If I am attached with your body!

Then I will be too much sad!

If any thing wrong happens to your baby!

And it is certain since body is temporary!

Your body is already dead!

Only you have kept it alive!

My body is already dead!

Only I have kept it alive!

Hence never love the body!

Always love the soul!

I alone exist and nothing else!

Love is God, God is love!

I am love!

I only exist and nothing else!

In the beginning nothing existed!

In the end nothing will exist!

Except me!

In the beginning!

Sun was not existing!

And it will not exist one day!

Except me!

In the beginning!

Moon was not existing!

And it will not exist one day!

Except me!

In the beginning!

Stars were not existing!

And they will not exist one day!

Except me!

In the beginning!

This earth was not existing!

And it will not exist one day!

Except me!

In the beginning!

Water was not existing!

And it will not exist one day!

Except me!

In the beginning!

Fire was not existing!

And it will not exist one day!

Except me!

In the beginning!

Air was not existing!

And it will not exist one day!

Except me!

In the beginning!

Sky was not existing!

And it will not exist one day!

Except me!

In the beginning!

All these tall buildings were not existing!

And they will not exist one day!

Except me!

In the beginning!

This entire population was not existing!

And it will not exist one day!

Except me!

In the beginning!

This universe was not existing!

And it will not exist one day!

Except me!

In the beginning nothing was existing

Except me!

And in the last nothing will exist!

Except me!

Same is the case with you!

You alone exist and nothing else!

Eternal truth is!

I alone exist!

You alone exist!

I and you are same and one!

I am love!

You are love!

Love is God!

Love alone exists!

And nothing else!

Some special qualities of Brahm or Paramatma or Almighty ( Revised) :

Fire can not burn without Him!

Even a dry leaf!

Water can not wet without Him!

Even a dry leaf!

Air can not fly without Him!

Even a dry leaf!

Sun can not light without Him!

Even a leaf!

Heat can not heat!

Without Him!

Ice can not cool!

Without Him!

Light can not light!

Without Him!

Stars can not shine!

Without Him!

Crackers can not sound!

Without Him!

You can not breathe!

Without Him!

You can not love!

Without Him!

You can not speak!

Without Him!

You can not think!

Without Him!

You can not see!

Without Him!

You can not listen!

Without Him!

You can not touch!

Without Him!

You can not smell!

Without Him!

You can not taste!

Without Him!

You can not walk!

Without Him!

You can not sit!

Without Him!

You can not sleep!

Without Him!

You can not live!

Without Him!

Guru Tatva or Paramatma

You can not see any thing without light.

You require either the light of sun during the day time or artificial lights made by the man for

seeing anything.

Imagine if light was not created, how you could see any thing?

Guru, Paramatma or Brahm is not a body.

It is a Tatva or divine element which is filled everywhere.

It is the light of all the lights.

Light can not see without Guru Tatva or Paramatma.

Light can not show any thing without Guru Tatva or Paramatma!

Guru Tatva or Paramatma is the heart of all lights including the light of sun, moon, stars, etc.

Guru Tatva, Paramatma or Brahm is same and one.

It is pure divine element, conscious, Sat, Chit and Anand.

Every thing visible or invisible in this universe and out of this universe exists due to this Guru

Tatva or Paramatma or Brahm.

It is the source of all creations, love, beauty, life, light, truth, consciousness, bliss, happiness or

divine joy.

My infinite love, thanks, Pranam and deep obeisance to this Guru Tatva, Paramatma or Brahm

who includes all Gurus or spiritual masters, all Gods, all incarnations of all religions, all Rishis,

all sages, all saints of past, present and future on this auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima.

Wishing you a Happy Guru Purnima.......

Playing the drama of life

I am you!

You are me!

I am lover!

I am loved one!

I am everything!

I am nothing!

I am playing!

The drama of life!

When you sleep!

You become every thing!

In your dream!

But when you wake up!

You find nothing!


Every thing is in my dream!

And I alone exists!

I am myself!

I am my wife!

I am my children!

I am my parents!

I am my brothers!

I am my sisters!

I am my friends!

I am my relatives!

I am peon!

I am officer!

I am beggar!

I am king!

I am Prime Ministers!

I am Presidents!

I am nations!

I am the universe!

I am car driver!

I am car!

I am pilot!

I am aeroplane!

I am bus-passengers!

I am bus!

I am my friends!

I am my enemies!

I am my boss!

I am my colleagues!

I am my office!

I am my residence!

I am sun!

I am moon!

I am ocean!

I am forests!

I am deserts!

I am mountains!

I am sky!

I am fire!

I am water!

I am air!

I am soil!

King of Yoga

People do not know what is real Yoga.

King of all yoga is Prem Yoga.

Real Yoga is not the physical or mental exercise.

Real Yoga is to unite yourself with Almighty.

Real Yoga is not daily one hour exercise.

Real Yoga is the way of life so that you may be united with Almighty.

Real Yoga is the art and science of living in your daily life.

How you behave with people, animals, birds, trees, plants and entire creation of Almighty is the

real Yoga.

King of all yoga is Prem Yoga. If you love man, animals, birds, trees, plants, entire creation of

Almighty selflessly. Then your all yoga will be done automatically. Then very purpose of Yoga is


Wishing you Happy Yoga Day ......

Secrets of Nature

You are gainer!

If someone cheats you

If someone abuses you

If you do Namaste to someone

If you call Sir to someone

If you give money to someone

If you help someone

If you love someone

If you get disregard from someone

If you give regards to someone

And you are looser

If you cheat someone

If you abuse someone

If someone does Namaste to you

If someone calls you Sir

If you take money from someone

If you get help from someone

If someone loves you but you don't

If you give disregard to someone

If someone gives you regards

Due to nature of this universe

Since universe tends to balance

Real life vs ordinary life

Ordinary life

Get married

Love to get comfort

Produce children for self

Get good income for self

Get good post, designation etc for self

Get car, bungalow etc for self

At last die without knowing yourself

Real life

Get married

Love to give comfort

Produce children for the world

Get good income for the world

Get good post, designation etc for world

Get car, bungalow etc for the world

At last die after knowing yourself

Secret of death!

Death is just to deceive you!

Death is just to cheat you!

Death is just to befool you!

Really death doesn't exist!

Almighty is so lovely!

Almighty is so beautiful!

Almighty loves all of us!

How can He kill us!

He loves us so dearly!

He is the only father of us!

He is the only mother of us!

Since our infinite births!

How can a father kill us!

How can a mother kill us!

That too father of infinite births!

That too mother of infinite births!

It was due to our mistake only!

We considered us mortal!

Since We considered us body!

But we are not body!

It was our mistake!

Not of Almighty!

How can the son be mortal?

If father is immoral!

How can the son be body?

If father is supreme soul!

He is supreme soul!

We are Jeevatma!

When supreme soul doesn't die!

How soul can die?

How Jeevatma can die?

It was due to our foolishness!

We considered us mortal!

Divine voice from sky

If I speak to you

I will not become small

And I will love to be smaller

If you speak to me

You will not become small

You should not afraid to be smaller

Since We both are one n same

No one is smaller

No one is bigger

And this understanding

Must always be there

Since We are Love

And love is always one

If you do Namaste to me

If you do Namaste to me

I am looser

If I do namaste to you

I am gainer

If I say you sir

I am gainer

If you say me sir

I am looser

If you give me money

I am looser

If I give you money

I am gainer

But if you give me

Out of love

I will love to be looser

Divine voice from sky

If you love me!

You can reach me!

You can come to my abode!

There is no other easiest way!

I love all!

I love you always!

But your love is also required!

Love me!

As a Supreme soul!

Love me!

As your only friend!

Do not love any other!

If you love me!

More than your husband!

If you love me!

More than your wife!

If you love me!

More than your children!

If you love me!

More than name and fame!

If you love me!

More than your designation!

If you love me!

More than your wealth!

If you love me!

More than your friends!

If you love me!

More than anything!

You can reach me!

Very easily!

I love you!

I am man!

You are woman!

I love you!

I love my wife!

I love your husband

I love your children!

Since all are soul!

If I love your body!

I will have to weep!

Since body will die one day!

Never love the body!

Always love the soul!

You are beautiful!

Soul has given you this beauty!

Since body is dead!

Without soul!

What is divine marriage!

Divine marriage is union of Jeevatma with Paramatma. Though Jeevatma is an integral part of

Paramatma but it is lost in the crowd of Maya ie illusion... Jeevatma is not different than

Paramatma. It is like a drop of ocean and ocean. Both have no different qualities. All qualities

are same... But when it mixes with ocean, it becomes ocean. After that you can not remove that

drop from the ocean!

Same is the case with Jeevatma... Paramatma is the ocean, Jeevatma is a drop of ocean... The

moment Jeevatma is mixed in Paramatma, it becomes Paramatma... The moment it knows itself

as a part of Paramatma and realizes that it has missed Paramatma since long... Since

thousands of births since it was lost in the crowd of Maya.

Thus a divine marriage of Jeevatma ie union of Jeevatma with Paramatma takes place for

ever... And thus lover gets the loved one and mixes with him for ever!

Divine voice from sky :Even if you don't fast!

Even if you are not fasting for me!

You should never think that!

I don't love you!

I understand your reasons!

For not fasting!

Since you do nothing without reason!

Since only human has sense of reasoning!

Which makes him different than animals!

But as per law of Karma!

Whatever you do!

You get its results!

Even if you are fasting!

But without devotion!

You will get its results!

But different than!

If you fast with devotion!

But if you are fasting!

And indulging!

In backbiting!

In false activities!

By body, mind n speech!

Without loving human!

Without loving my creatures!

Without caring elders!

Without caring poor!

Then it will be of no use!

Even if I remove you from the group!

Even if I remove you from the group,

You should never think that,

I don't love you.

I always love you!

Since it is my duty to maintain,

The basic structure of the group!

Since I do nothing without reason!

Even if you exit from my group,

You should never think that,

I don't love you!

I always love you!

Since I must understand,

Your problem!

Since you do nothing without reason!

Since the human has sense of reasoning!

That makes him different from others!

And you are always welcome,

When you feel it okay!

Why people do not want to join Spirituality!

They think that everything will have to be left.

This is their wrong conception.

People think that they are living comfortably. Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they are living royal life.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they are earning too much money.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think they are too much popular.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they are having good designation and posts.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they are having beautiful family.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they are having good education.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they will have to leave everything.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they will become poor.

Why to disturb themselves.

All these are wrong conceptions.

You are not required to leave anything.

You have to leave by mind not body.

Yes you are living comfortably.

But in dreams.

But in movies.

But in mirage.

You are not living actual life.

Since it is not true happy life.

Happy life is one.

After that you can never be in sorrows.

Happy life is the one.

Which is full of love.

Which is beyond birth and death.

Which is immortal.

You don't need anything to be happy!

You don't require anything to be happy or blissful.

Even if you don't have any thing!

Even if you don't have clothes to wear!

Even if you don't have food to eat!

Even if you don't have shelter to live!

But you follow the Spiritual path,

Then you can be happy for ever!

You can be blissful!

Without having any thing!

Since happiness is inside you!

Since bliss is inside you!

You have everything in you!

Hence only you are required!

On the other hand!

If you are having all the facilities!

All comforts!

You are having many clothes to wear!

Many foods to eat!

Many shelters to live!

But you don't follow the Spiritual path!

You can never be happy!

You can never be blissful!

Your happiness will be artificial!

And what is spiritual path!

That is path of pure love!

I will not misunderstand you!

I will never misunderstand you!

Even if you send something wrong!

Even if you say something wrong!

To me!

Since for me!

Nothing is right, nothing is wrong!

Since for me!

Nothing is true, nothing is false!

Since for me!

Everything is right n wrong!

On different bases!

Since for me!

Base is the love!

If you don't want love and peace!

If you don't want love n peace, then what you want?

Do you want to a fight between Hindu and Muslims?

If we all end ourselves by fighting each other, no world will be left.

What will be the outcome?

Who will live on this planet?

You want to see a fighting planet or peaceful planet?

Already man is surrounded by so many sorrows and problems, you want increase his sorrows?

Only solution to enhance peace of this planet is that human must love each other to live


I feel bad :

I feel bad

When someone says against the Muslims.

Muslims were Devotees of Krishna also.

Still many Muslims are devoted to Krishna.

Muslims are very good people also.

Muslims have sacrificed their lives for this nation also.

Muslims have been our Presidents also.

Muslims have won Param Veer Chakra in our army with their courage.

Why you insult all Muslims due to a few bad people?

Almighty has not created Hindu and Muslims.

We have only created Hindu and Muslims.

Almighty is only one for Hindu and Muslims.

Almighty loves Hindu and Muslims.

If you hate any religion or any person, you can not progress in Spiritual path.

If you hate any religion or any person, you can not progress in your life.

You will have to love Hindu and Muslims for shining in Spiritual path.

You will have to love Hindu and Muslims for shining in your life!

Since Hindu and Muslims, both are one Atma only!

I love everyone, everyone loves me!

I love everyone, every one loves me!

You love everyone, everyone loves you!

I know but you may not know!

Either you love or you hate!

Even if you hate me!

That is also a love!

Which is opposite of love!

It tells that you are very much concerned!

About me!

At least you remember me to hate!

And if you remember me!

It means you love me!

And same thing holds with you!

All feelings are expression of love!

They may be positive or negative!

You may love!

You may hate!

You may fear!

You may be having greed!

You may be proud!

You may be angry!

You may have desire!

Etc etc!

All are forms of love!

Nothing exists except love!

And love is God!

God is love!

Nature of Divine Love :

Divine love is entirely different than worldly love. Wife, husband, etc are no hindrance in divine


It is not necessary that you have to marry your divine lover.

Divine lover can be your friend, colleague, younger, elder, woman, girl, man, boy, etc.

Divine lover may be of your gender and also of your opposite gender.

Divine love is bestowed by the grace and pleasure of Almighty, Himself based on your previous


One who gets the gift of such a divine love is the most fortunate person in the entire universe.

Since it is bestowed once in centuries ie after many years. And it may change the entire world

by the grace of Almighty if everything goes on well.

Divine love works with the closeness of both the divine lovers. If both the divine lovers are very

near and close to each other, then it works more efficiently. Though it may work from long

distance also but not so effectively.

Love makes the life beautiful!

Love makes anything beautiful!

Even if you don't have ac, car etc!

Even if you have no facilities!

But you have love in your life!

On the other hand!

If you are having everything!

Of this world!

But you don't have love!

Then your life will be dull!

And miserable!

Then your life will be beautiful!

Full of love!

Full of energy!

And you will never be bored!

Love makes this planet!

Worth living!

Love is life!

Love is breathe!

Love is your heart throbs!

If you don't love!

You don't know!

Secrets of life!

If you don't love!

You don't live!

Your life is in vain!

Just like a dead!


Woman is the statue of love.

Almighty God has created the woman with special importance full of love, compassion, mercy

and many feminine qualities.

If woman does not exist in the universe this earth will become barren.

She is the Goddess of Love and and indispensable guide for man.

She teaches us to love right from our childhood.

She teaches us romance in our youth.

She teaches us to serve in our old age.

We can not describe the love, affection, compassion, grace of woman in words since Almighty

God Himself resides in her in the form of these qualities.

If you love me!

If you love me!

I love to remain under you!

For ever!

If you love me!

You can purchase me!

Only by your love!

No one can purchase me!

Even by billions of dollars!

But only by love!

But it is my sacred vow!

Once you asked me something!

I give you since I love you!

And if you want to change!

You have to ask again!

In the same manner!

I can never see you sad!

But I can't leave my nature!

You have to follow my laws!

I have to follow my laws!

All have to follow my laws!

Is this love!

When I see you!

I become happy!

When I do not see you!

I become sad!

I & you are same and one

I & you are same and one!

I am you!

You are me!

I am very far away from you!

I am very near to you!

I am in you!

You are in me!

I am love!

You are love!

Love is only one!

I want to love you

I want to love you

Love you

But I don't want

Any thing in return

I want to love you

Love you

And continue

To love you

For ever

Without any wants

Since Almighty has made you

For loving only

And you are

The statue of love

Who fills me

With love

Hence I want to love you

Love you

And continue

To love you

I am man

You are woman

You have been made to love

Not to exploit

It is the grace

Of Almighty

Who has made you

With too much love

To spread the fragrance of love

In his beautiful universe

Hence I want to love you

Love you


Any expectation

Since if I love you

I love His beautiful creation

And hence

I love Him

Love me!

You can love me as friend!

You can love me as lover!

You can love me as brother!

You can love me as sister!

You can love me as father

You can love me as son

You can love me as boss

You can love me as subordinate

But love me

Without any wants

Without any expectation

And thus become love


Woman is the statue of love.

Almighty God has created the woman with special importance full of love, compassion, mercy

and many feminine qualities.

If woman does not exist in the universe this earth will become barren.

She is the Goddess of Love and and indispensable guide for man.

She teaches us to love right from our childhood.

She teaches us romance in our youth.

She teaches us to serve in our old age.

We can not describe the love, affection, compassion, grace of woman in words since Almighty

God Himself resides in her in the form of these qualities.

Almighty God

Almighty God is infinite. He is Allah and Ishwar. He is Jesus and Nanak.

He is in idol and He is not in idol.

He is Sakar and He is Nirakar.

He is every thing and He is nothing.

He is zero and He is infinite.

He is dust particle and also He is infinite sky.

He is love, He is hate.

Nothing is without him.

No one can prove Him or His these qualities.

He is in every thing. He is in nothing.

You can not bind Him in any word or any definition.

He can be understood. He can not be understood.

And this is His unique specialty.

He can not be compared with any Worldly thing.

You can not imagine about Him.

Only you can feel Him.

He is always having two opposite qualities.

Hence you can not describe Him.

You are Krishna! You are Radha!

You are Krishna!

You are Radha!

Of today!

Since you are!

A part of Krishna!

A part of Radha!

You have same qualities!

Of Krishna!

Of Radha!

Make this universe!

Full of sacred love!

As Krishna did!

This is the only solution!

Of hatred!


If you consider yourself a body!

I love your soul!

Not your body!

If you consider yourself a soul!

I love you!

Not your body!

Since I know!

If I love body!

I will have to repent!

Since body will die one day!

Since I know!

If I love soul!

I will never repent!

Since soul will never die!

Radha and Krishna

You have to become Radha!

I have to become Krishna!

If we want to taste the divine nectar!

Radha Krishna is symbolic!

We have to understand meaning!

Love of Radha and Krishna!

Beyond body!

Love of yours and myself!

Be beyond body!

Then taste the divine bliss!

If I love you!

If I love you but you don't love me.

It is my benefit, not yours.

Since I make my nature Loving.

Since I refine myself for the Divine.

And if you love, you can also be Divine!

But love should be for the sake of divine!

If you love to the body, you will have to repent!

Never love the body, always love the soul!

? ? ?

Some Recent LinkedIn Posts of Pravin Agrawal

? ? ?

Interesting Facts About Karwa Chauth That No One Knows About!-

7 Lord Krishna mantras for all problems in life-

10 Bhagavad Gita Slokas which changed my life-

Secret of Immortality: Quotes Of Pravin Agrawal-

Powerful Hanuman Mantras To Eliminate All Problems-

The Power of Shri Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotram & Its Couplets-

Miraculous Benefits of Hanuman Chalisa-

Scenes do not exist even now-

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-

What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-

You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-

Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-

Quotes on Family By Pravin Agrawal-

Gems Of Yoga Vasistha To Know The Self-

Family Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-

People also ask : Who is Pravin Agrawal?-

Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-

Whomsoever I see that is myself-

Rules For Living In Your Family-

My Nature Sets Right Everything-

? ? ?

List Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

? ? ?

Silajit Sil

Senior Associate (React Native & Android) at Cognizant Ex-Infosys || E&Y

1 年

?? ?? ??

Gaurav Kashyap

Demi chef de partie

1 年

jAi rAdhe kRishnA jI


Hutchison Essar |Tata Teleservices | Tata Servizsol |Nokia |Essar Telecom(The MobileStore Ltd) | International Value Retail ltd | MPS Telecom Pvt. Ltd.

1 年


Pushkar Singh

Customer Service Representative

1 年

Jai Shree Krishna


Radhey Krishna!



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