The Pratexo Values

The Pratexo Values

At Pratexo, we believe that value based leadership, inclusion and diversity are keys to co-creating a company culture where everyone in our team can thrive. Living our seven Pratexo values is a given part of being a Pratexoan:

Always Be Learning

Our market is constantly changing. Customer needs are rapidly evolving. To thrive, we need to always be learning - and continuously sharing those learnings with the entire team.

Tag, You’re It

Unclear roles and expectations are productivity killers. We are always crystal clear when someone is tagged to be responsible for executing a task or project. And we always take ownership of resolving unforeseen issues, even when not tagged.

1% Better Every Day

Quantum leaps ahead are allowed and encouraged but we will not count on them or wait for them to happen, and nor should our clients. We strive to be better every single day ‐ even in areas that already work well.

10X Superpower

People aren’t motivated to change based on minor improvements. Our superpower is that we are bold enough to be 10x better than anyone else - but in a few, very focused areas.

Innovate to Accelerate

Ford showed people the first car, and they said they just wanted a faster horse. We are fearless innovators who are not afraid of being ahead of the market. We identify and solve problems through innovative and effective means, unconstrained by conventional wisdom or knowledge.

All in This Together

We constantly collaborate, listen, encourage multiple perspectives, and air our differences. Then we stand behind decisions as one, unified team with no pointed fingers. We create a safe environment for ourselves and each other to enable honest, open communications.?

GSD (Get Stuff Done)

Outcomes and results are what matter. We are never stuck in the challenges and problems of the moment. Sometimes we have instant solutions, and other times we need to build a bridge to resolution ‐ but, either way, we get stuff done.

It's a great feeling to be working at a company where the values are more than just a poster on the wall. My colleagues actually live these and inspire me to do the same.


