Praising Employees: Do's and Don'ts
Praise is an essential facet of communication for leaders at all organizational levels. Delivered effectively, praise recognizes and reinforces positive behaviors, nurtures a positive work culture, and encourages employees’ efforts.
To be effective, praise must be delivered with thoughtfulness and consideration. Below are a few do's and don'ts of effective praise.
·????? Be real and specific. Genuine praise requires paying attention to details.
·????? Be in the moment. Offer praise for a specific effort or achievement as soon as possible.
·????? Encourage a growth mindset. Praise effort, improvement, or overcoming challenges rather than just innate abilities. This mindset allows opportunities for all employees to shine.
·????? Connect the dots. Tell employees how their work benefitted the company or the team.
·????? Look for opportunities to praise. Small victories contribute to a positive work environment, can boost motivation, and can be too easily overlooked if you’re focused on just the big wins.
·????? Make praise a habit. The ability to give consistent and sincere praise is one of the most valuable habits a leader can cultivate.
·????? Be vague. Avoid generic praise that lacks specificity. Vague compliments can come across as insincere and meaningless.
·????? Confuse flattery and praise: Offering flattery in the place of praise erodes trust and damages the employee-manager relationship.
·????? Play favorites. Consistently praising one person over others will lead to resentment and a negative work environment.
·????? Make it a contest. Refrain from comparing employees to each other when giving praise.
·????? Limit praise to “rock star” achievements. Sometimes even the best employees struggle with assignments. In these cases, praise their efforts, their steadiness, their growth.
·????? Make praise uncomfortable. Some employees appreciate public praise, while others may prefer a more private acknowledgment.
Years of research studies show that one of the most effective—and easiest—ways to begin the habit of effective praise is by taking the time to simply say “thank you.”
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