In praise of doormen & security guards…
With the retail sector under fire like never before, I took myself off to a retail park for a bit of therapy and reflection. What could I learn out there in this changing market? Well if like me you talk to security guards and doormen – quite a lot.
When was the last time you engaged one in conversation? I do it all the time. It’s remarkable how from a 30 second encounter the seed of a good idea can germinate.
Mostly it’s me making the first move. But not on this occasion.
“Hello there, young man!”. Well, at my age a welcome like that will always put a smile on your face. I changed course to find out more.
Sensing my surprise this particularly good-natured security guard continued, “Oh yes, everyone that walks through these doors is young. The Peter Pan effect we call it. Enjoy your visit”
Well, if I wasn’t walking on clouds before I certainly was now. What a charming fellow. I felt 10 years younger and was positively itching to get inside to experience this treasure trove.
Where was I? Smyths Toys Store. In a run of the mill retail park outside Farnborough. Nothing glamourous. But I felt like I was entering an enchanted kingdom. Such promise. Where Toys 'R’ Us had failed these guys surely had it licked.
It looked encouraging at first glance. Beyond the rows and rows of shelves stood what looked like an adventure playground. An island of sparkling toys, slides, swings and oversized equipment. A place to play and do what all stores talk of these days; “experience”. But no. Roped off. Display only. No fun to be had here.
I left pondering an old adage: nothing kills a bad product faster than great advertising.
If only Smyth’s was more like Fortnum and Mason’s. Now their doorman is called David, whose impeccable manners and soft Irish lilt are a magnet to the curious shopper. As I was to discover when overseeing the redesign of much of their confectionery 3 years ago. David sums up great advertising and great product working in perfect harmony.
With retail wondering how to maximise the instore experience don’t forget your doormen – an essential component for drawing in the crowds in the first place. The gateway to a great experience. But make sure you have a product and experience to match.