In Praise of Audiobooks
Nathan Gregory
Veteran Technologist & Networking Pioneer | Cybersecurity and Crypto Enthusiast | Digital Identity Self-Ownership | Ham Radio Operator | Author of Seven Published Books, Two on Networking & Computing History, five Sci-Fi
"The experience of hearing a book," Neil Gaiman has written, "is often much more intimate, much more personal" than reading alone.
I grew up listening to and loving radio drama — The Shadow, Superman, Suspense, Dimension X, The Green Llama, and many more. For years I believed the medium had died, but it hasn't. It has merely been reinvented for the digital age. I still love radio, and now I have found room for audiobooks too. They do not displace reading; they complement it.
I am proud to announce the audiobook of my original story, Chromosome Conspiracy.
The second installment of my 'Chromosome Series,' Chromosome Conspiracy continues the story of the nerdy Fitz, who had been drawn into the war against the Singularity in Chromosome Quest.
Fitz is just getting his life in order after returning to Earth. His book about the off-world adventure is selling well as Science Fiction. After all, who would believe it was all real?
He is working on a new book and has a new girlfriend. Life is good…
Until Certified Agent Alex Marco, top Man in Black appears with a mystery…
One of Fitz’s 'fictional' characters has walked straight out of his book and landed in Alex’s morgue!
Government officials focusing on his 'Fictional' adventures cause him to regret writing the darn book…
More Aliens appear, and Fitz must reveal that the book was, in fact, not fiction and the Aliens desperately need his help…
In mortal fear of Alex and the Men in Black, Fitz goes on a wild cross-country run in a desperate bid to keep his alien friends out of Government hands…
When he discovers a new villain named Gharlane, suddenly the Men in Black seem almost cuddlesome…
Can he protect his Alien friends? Can he return them home?
Warning: This book contains gruesome murders, irresponsible hacking, low humor, bawdy humor, and Naked Aliens. It will make you cringe one moment, and laugh out loud the next.
Chromosome Conspiracy is the second novel in the action-packed Chromosome Series. If you like fast-paced thrillers, lame jokes, hapless heroes, ridiculous ribaldry, and evil villains, then you’ll love this high-octane series.
Available in both print and eBook format, now both Chromosome Quest and Chromosome Conspiracy are available in Audiobook format. The third book in the series, Chromosome Warrior, begins Audio production soon.
The fourth book of the trilogy is progressing slowly but should be available in the coming months. If you would like to receive updates and progress reports, subscribe to my infrequent newsletter at my author's website: