Practising Small Habits Better than Setting New Year Goals
We have just entered 2024. A new year ahead of us brings many wishes and expectations in daily work and life. We all plan to prepare ourselves for those goals to create a breakthrough in the short term or change our lives in the long term.
We often focus on ambitious goals to better ourselves and achieve our desires by setting SMART goals (specific, measurable, feasible, realistic, and time-bound). Instead, we build small, simple, easy-to-do, easy-to-achieve habits to achieve bigger goals. This is one of the secrets to helping people succeed in work or life. Almost successful people can have such habits.
The problem is developing a new year plan that suits your abilities. That plan can be positive thoughts, effortless control, and appropriate implementation time. This article gives you ideas and some typical habits to achieve your goals.
Identify Habits
To achieve what you want in the long term, you need to be specific and measurable about what you want to achieve. Instead of thinking about overwhelming goals, plan a system of little but positive habits. In this way, you focus on habits and actions, gradually shaping them and leading to long-term results.
Power of Atomic Habits
An example is getting into the habit of doing ten push-ups a day before meals. Keeping small habits makes it easier to associate the habit with memory. It's easy to remember. From here, you gradually adjust small habits to suit your desires. For example, if you want a strong body, practice the habit of doing push-ups and progressively increasing the number of push-ups to help your muscles develop.
You should specify one or more resolutions within your ability to achieve. Break the habit into smaller parts to make it easier to do. Design your environment for success by eliminating temptations, introducing positive elements, and reminders of new habits.
Make habits clear and engaging
Making your habits clear and engaging will make you more likely to stick with them and more likely to achieve what you want. To do so, you should follow these tips:
Keep exercise equipment near where you sleep or an unrolled yoga mat near your bed, or use your phone to remind you to exercise. These are effective reminders.
Schedule time for habits like scheduling exercise
Could you combine your habits with your interests? For example, you can listen to music when you do physical exercise. That will help you be more motivated to get into the habit.
Making habits easy, not difficult to do
The important thing is to build from small things into big things gradually. With that in mind, you won't be overwhelmed by change. Focus on consistency, and don't worry too much about achieving perfection. When you choose a habit you want, you will enjoy it and find it meaningful, and it is essential not to give it up "midway".
Habits require time to form, so they also need your patience on the path to conquer. Wanting to create an easy habit may seem challenging. But you can do it if you have the right strategy. Here are a few suggestions you should know:
Tiny habits
Specific and simple
2-minute Rule
David Allen's "Getting Things Done" addresses time management, offering an effective but often overlooked strategy for increasing productivity. For example, a job that takes less than two minutes to do means it should be done by this time. This rule is aimed against procrastination, against leaving more and more small tasks at work or in everyday life for the future.
Thanks to this rule help us complete work quickly instead of doing it forever. This rule sounds simple, but it is necessary to understand the reasoning behind the rule. Procrastinating or slowing down work will take you longer than the work you get done because you'll spend time storing and tracking it. The same job takes more time to do, which means doing it inefficiently.
In daily life, we have many small tasks. For example, answering emails, answering the phone, cleaning your desk at work or watering the plants and cleaning the house. Those are jobs that we can do in 2 minutes or less. If we procrastinate, these tasks will combine into a long list. From here it will lead to spending a lot of time and energy thinking and worrying about things that haven't been done yet.
Creating habits that will help you a lot in achieving your big goals is something you need to practice in daily life