Practising being with ourselves regularly – Overdose might lead to Anxiety
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Practising being with ourselves regularly – Overdose might lead to Anxiety

I was reading a few articles in the newspapers today on how Work from Home (WFH) has also been creating a turmoil in people’s lives. On one hand there is surely an increase in productivity due to reduce travel and sorts but at the same time there has been a significant increase in the levels of anxiety faced by people due to the fact that they are trying to showcase their work and more or less are online most of the times and also the fact that for couples, managing the kids and keeping them involved whilst sharing the workload has not exactly been the way it should be. Well, I am not writing this to talk about how they should be managing this since honestly, I am no expert and I’m sure everyone will have their own way of managing this.

However, as we talk about anxiety in people due to being together, I have come across people wherein this opportunity for people to be together with their families hasn’t turned out to be exactly as it should be. There have been people out there who never really moved away from their families and also gave up their careers just because they didn’t want to really be away, and here they are far away from their families in uncertain times, possible depressed at where this is headed. We being social animals, just getting locked out alone does have an impact on the mental well-being of individuals, with a significant increase in anxiety. Their choice I must say and so is everyone’s who choose otherwise, but the funny thing is that in these times due to the lockdown and unforeseen circumstances these people are the exact ones who have just been forced to stay away from their families stuck in places away from home. Although, the best approach to fight the pandemic is a lockdown and I am not hinting at otherwise or trying to get into any of those aspects, my point is that these are crazy times and we better make the most of it in the best possible way. We always asked for more time with family and ourselves and now when it has come to that, we are getting scared pretty early and want to just get back to the way it was. As they say, “Be careful of what you wish for, it might just come true”. Maybe, there was merit in “Slow and Steady” wherein you spend some time everyday with yourself and your family and appreciate the same so as to ensure that you’re better prepared in what you wish for or the practise of spending some time regularly will be good enough to enjoy it during extended periods like these (though I wish and hope we don’t encounter anything of this sort again).

The point here is that we are going to get over this pandemic sooner than later and when that happens, we are probably going to get back to what we did prior and maybe go harder at it and maybe the cycle of frustrations and anxiety repeats itself. Thus, ironically let us not have a virus make us understand the meaning of life, compassion, empathy, patience and rather let us use this as an opportunity to rediscover ourselves so that when we emerge out of this pandemic, we emerge stronger and wiser. Until then, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and Do Take good care of Yourselves

#Coronavirus #Motivation #Introspect


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