Practicing Contentment and Gratitude
The Bible teaches us that we should be content with what we have and not constantly desire something else. Rather than complaining and feeling regretful, we should be grateful for everything that God has given us.
Comparing ourselves to others and feeling envious only leads to dissatisfaction. True happiness is a choice, and having more possessions or accomplishments does not guarantee it.
Contentment is something that we all need to learn, as it is not natural to be satisfied with what we have. However, it is a sign of maturity and allows us to find peace and happiness in our current situation.
It's important to note that having desires, dreams, and ambitions is not the same as envy. It's healthy to have goals and work towards them, but we should not resent others for having what we do not. Learn to express your gratitude for what God has given you.
One suggestion is to turn every day into Thanksgiving Day. Write out the list of what God has given you and thank Him for giving you what you needed. If you want to take it a step further, write out the list of what you want, and then tell God that the most important item you want is His will for your life.
Focus on being grateful for what we have and trust that everything you need is a gift from God. As the Bible says, "It is better to be satisfied with what you have than to always want something more." (Ecclesiastes 6:9).