Practice makes you WIN the Competition
Anjali Gupta
Interview Skills Coach | Passionate about empowering professionals to Master Interview Skills and secure their Dream Job for lasting career success
21 Aug 2019
Are you an Effective speaker?
Would you like to touch the hearts of your audience once again?
Would you like to win your war with words?
Date: September 30, 2018, Sunday
Time: 10 am – 1pm
Ref :
These were the opening lines of the contest that I had announced in the year 2018. This was my first experience ever of organizing a contest like this one. I was quite nervous. As they say,
I took the advice and decided to plan well. Made a list of action items for- Contest Rules and Regulations, the participants, Venue, videos, etc.
After formulating the rule and regulations with the help of my team, the contest was announced and thrown open not only to the professional batch of my students of Public Speaking but also to the general public at large. I never wanted my students to remain cocooned in their own world of doing well only in their Public Speaking Class. They need to know what other speakers are doing well or better than them. After all, we GROW only when we move out of our comfort zone.
Free practice sessions were offered to ALL the contestants, even if they were not a part of the batch. A few contestants prepared, rehearsed, and presented in the class in front of all. This time, we decided to follow the system of 360-degree feedback. All in the audience supported the contestants with their feedback. I, too, shared my feedback at the end. It was notable that Akash performed exceptionally well. Everyone praised him. He was a Senior Software Engineer in an IT organization. And my student too. Yet another student of mine performed average. She was working in operations department in another organization then. Both were of the same age.
Then came the day of the contest. The contest was to start at 10 am. I had asked everyone to reach by 9:30 am so that I could explain all the rules once again. My team and I reached there by 8:30 am to ensure that everything is in place. If need be, we could take care of the contingencies at the last minute. After all, it was OUR SHOW.
The contest started sharp at 10 am. The master of ceremonies took the reins of the contest in his hand. First, it was the speech contest, 6 participants. The contestants came one after the other and the judges kept marking them.
Then came the turn of the extempore speech contest, 4 participants. It, too, went well. Once again, the judges marked them and submitted their ballots
Winner – Speech Contest
#1 : Sehba
#2 : Priyanka
#3 : Neha
Winner – Extempore Speaking
# 1: Priyanka
Priyanka , Once again? I was taken by surprise. A girl who was just not able to perform well in her practice session had won not 1 but 2 awards.
Whereas Akash, who had who had performed exceptionally well was not selected by any of the judges. He did not even rank #3.
Reaction of Akash
He was offended. It was visible on his face. He gave me a call to understand where did things go wrong? He came to meet me. I opened his video and asked him to do a self-analysis. He confessed that he got over-confident, did not take the other contestants seriously or practice enough, thus, lost the title of the winner which could have been his very easily.
A good speaker became so over-confident, did not practice and lost the contest.
WHEREAS a not so good speaker understood her areas of improvement, worked on them, practiced well and won the contest.
Does it mean – SLOW and Steady WINS the RACE?
As a reader, you decide and comment on this……
But REMEMBER whether you are a Fast LEARNER or an Average LEARNER or a Slow LEARNER
Happy Practicing!
#confidence #overconfidence #speech #extempore #winner #grow #growth #contest #competition #Learner
A result oriented HR professional with 25+ years experience
5 年Very true!! "Practice in a right direction with a positive attitude and patience gives aid to WIN the competition.