PRACTICE makes PERFECT…but first it must have PURPOSE!
We have all heard the quotes, and we have all listened to the speeches. At any given point in our lives, we have all followed the tips and embodied the advice. "It always seems impossible until it is done", they say. "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out" … "It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop". Whilst true as these quotes may be, I find that at times, they miss the target by an inch – an inch I like to call 'purpose'. The word "purpose" refers to "the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists". The second definition refers to "a person's sense of resolve or determination". The latter definition gives more context in that, it refers to an individual’s resolve or determination. The only problem is that the word 'determination' is considered a "firm or fixed intention". This is where Perseverance comes in. Most of us have probably used these terms interchangeably, not realising that there is in fact a distinguished difference between what the two words imply.
Determination is a strong, continuous desire. Perseverance is acting in the direction of your determination, and not letting obstacles change your course.
Indeed, to many people, perseverance is synonymous with pain and suffering but those with true grit can flip their perspective on perseverance 180 degrees, and view struggle as a doorway to realising their goals. Essentially, to persevere means to start and continue steadfastly on the path towards any goal you set, and frequently this factor alone is the difference between failure and success. However, one of the distinctions between someone who succeeds and someone who is just spending a lot of time doing something is that practice must have a purpose!
That’s where long-term goals come in. They provide the context and framework in which to find the meaning and value of your long-term efforts. And the reality is that this does not apply only to our careers but also to our personal goals. If we can truly identify and own our purpose, design, and implement the necessary steps to achieving them, then the trials and challenges associated with our individual journeys are not just empty experiences, but exactly what we needed to get there all along.
That said, I challenge us all to PERSEVERE with PURPOSE!