The Practice of Learning, Unlearning & Relearning
Bernadette Johnson
Leadership Alchemist | Strategic Innovator | Collaboration Catalyst | Author | Working Genius Certified | TEDster
Greetings Difference Makers!
Hope all is well and Happy Autumn (northern hemisphere)!
You know, there is something about the seasons changing that strikes inspiration in my bones. Each season is an invitation to join in the shift. I’m inspired because we get to witness the beauty of metamorphosis embraced by nature…the embracing of change and the release when something is done. In autumn, it reminds me to take inventory of what serves my highest self. In other words, what do I want to keep and possibly double-down on? And just as important, identifying what no longer serves me. It’s given all it had. And it is begging to be released.
Sometimes, for us, the release is the hardest action. I remember Seth Godin calling it, ‘sunk cost’, something that we need to let go of; however, we struggle to do so because the focus is on the past investment (time and/or money) versus recognizing what we’ve gained from the action. He suggests looking at the investment as a gift from your past self that got you where you are now. I like that reframing perspective, don’t you? Perfect timing because this is the last quarter of 2023. You could think of the time between now and the new year as a gift…as your "transition runway"!
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” ~Alvin Toffler
I invite you to take inventory of all that has provided you wisdom, assistance, support this year…give gratitude for the investment. Embrace what continues to serve your highest self and you will carry that forward. Now…what has served its purpose and is no longer needed? With a breath of gratitude…release it.
Those on a similar path found these resources inspiring:
My intention in curating this newsletter, is to share what has purpose, meaning and of course, inspiration to serve as a catalyst for your greatness as a Difference-Maker. Please let me know if there is a leadership theme you’d like us to explore for upcoming newsletters. As always, BE well and expect a great quarter!
Much grace, Bernadette
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