Practice Kayakalpa to protect the body in difficult situations. Theory and practice are here in the book.
Guru Yogi Mohan (PhD )
Universal Healing Project(UHP), Eliminating Brain Probloms ,Brain stroke reversal (normalising) in few days, Guru for Nada Yoga and Kayakalpa Yoga, Healer for Cancers and Brain based problems .
Kayakalpa is an old age technology taught by the masters of the tradition. The world population is facing very difficult situations right now. At this moment we can do is to adopt protective technologies. Kayakalpa is the one that the human anatomy is seeing through different perspectives. The complete theory and practise with case studies are defined in this book. This is teaching every reader for practising Kayakalpa in their privacy. and in a few days, they can attain the living longevity practice to body and mind.
It is a better knowledge for regenerating the body from disabilities, deformities, rare disease and all other conditions like AMR.