Practice Gratitude With Malya; 22nd Edition
Rosh Chodesh Tishrei?
Good morning everyone. It says that on erev Rosh Hashana, we do not blow shofer in order to confuse the satan. We also do not say Birchas Hachodesh on the shabbos before Rosh Hashana for this exact reason. As I realized how important it was and is to trick the satan, I decided that I will put out my monthly newsletter before Yom Kippur instead of Before Rosh Chodesh.?
I did it this way because I generally publish my newsletters on Rosh Chodesh, so if I missed one, the satan might be confused and think he has missed Rosh Hashana.?So if you were wondering why it was late this month, that is why!
How lucky are we to have a month like elul where the whole energy of the month is spiritual and spiritual connection. It is a month of personal growth and coming closer to our creator.?
Look back at your month and ask yourself, "When did I feel most connected to Hashem."
We all connect to Hashem differently. Some can connect through: Prayer, song, writing, performing mitzvos, chessed,? and some connect to Hashem while traveling and seeing His beautiful world.?
Find your way of connecting and try to consistently get back to that point.?
One of the ways that I personally connect to Hashem is through my work and seeing the success that Hashem has blessed me with. After every trade show, I am filled with so much gratitude. This month, I B”H had multiple stories where I was filled with gratitude and so much feelings of connection to G-D. I will share one.?
I was working with a client for a very big show in Seattle. The day came, I flew out there and from the moment I stepped out of the plane the trip was incredible. Just one good experience after another. I woke up the next morning at 5 am and I opened my window shades to see the beautiful Seattle Skyline.
I sat staring out my window, filling up my heart with gratitude. I then began speaking to Hashem and thanking Him for getting me to the place that I have always envisioned for my company. The next morning, I repeated it again.?
When you feel connected to Hashem you are so lucky. And again, all you need to do is find the way that you connect to Hashem. It can be the simplest thing, but if it works for you grab it. You don’t have to sit in shul everyday, all day to spark that connection. You can start by just saying,
“Good Morning Hashem, thank you for giving me the opportunity to live another day.”
Talk to Hashem with your own words. Speak to Him as if He is your best friend.?
Now that you are going into Yom Kippur, I want you to know that Hashem wants to hear your tefillos. My tip to you for having a sincere tefillah is to close your eyes, breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth 4 times and just allow the inspiration to flow in. Once you feel ready, open your eyes and begin praying.?
If you have a hard time saying the words, just talk to Hashem in your own words. Never think that you are too far away and that hashem does?not want to hear from you. If you are alive and you are a Jew, you are never too far away, you are still in the game.?I heard that from Rabbi Farhi.
I want to transition into thanking my clients because through them I have been able to have so much gratitude to Hashem.
I want to remind you that if you have a trade show coming up in December - March, call me right after Yom Kippur so that I can turn your next trade show into cash flow. The goal of my company is to be a money making machine for yours! Let’s go!?
Years ago, I was put in touch with Rabbi Katina of the Geb A Challah organization.
Today, I am grateful to still be able to help this organization; they do not give out only challahs anymore. They give out all the food for yom tov. Yesterday, I spoke with an almana who received food from Lehachyois. I was in tears speaking to her.
She shared with me how much she appreciates the food she is given.
She said that after she got her food package a missile landed on someone's house, so what did she do? She took the chicken that she was given for yom tov, cooked it and gave it to this family to eat. This almana does not have food herself and she went and gave it to someone else. I was in awe.
Right now you can help this lady and many others by donating what you can. Here is the link: Help an almana now!
I want to end off my newsletter with a very special segulah. It is said that if you think of those who need a shidduch during neila in Yaela Vyavo by the word: Bo L’tova all those that you thought of will merit to get married that year and if you think of those who need children by the words: Bo L’bracha, they will merit to have children this year.?
Yom kippur is an auspicious day. We are so lucky to have Yom Kippur. Let’s together be grateful that we were given such a holy day to connect with G-D. We do not need anything physical on this day because it is considered as if we are angels.
Can you imagine that we get the chance once a year to be like angles. Shouldn’t we all wait all year for this day??
One more thing that I want to add is that Yom Kippur falls on shabbos this year. As you know, you cannot write on shabbos, but there is one thing that permits writing. That is, to save someone's life.
So, the fact that Yom Kippur falls out on a shabbos means that Hashem will IYH be inscribing us all in the book of life because He too cannot write on shabbos unless it is to save a life.?
I hope that message uplifts you on this erev Yom Kippur. May we all see so many yeshuos and so much revealed good this year!?
May Mashiach come now!?
Happy Rosh Chodeh Tishrei and have an easy and meaningful fast.?
Please share this newsletter with at least one person! G'mar Chasima Tova,
- Malya Adina Feivelson
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