The practice of exchange for mutual benefit
Dyfrig Jenkins
Giving people the space to see their potential, regardless of their background or experiences, so they can improve their motivation and performance at (and beyond) work. A CPD Standards Office accredited provider.
Picture the is dark and cold, I'm in a queue of cars trying to find a parking space at my daughter's secondary school. The car park is already full. Most people are visiting to discuss their children's GCSE options with teachers. Ahead of me, I see an elderly guy with crutches, waiting to cross the flow of crawling traffic, no-one lets him cross. I do the decent thing and allow him the space and time to walk to his car, as he passes he gestures and mouths 'follow me to my space - I'm leaving'. I patiently wait while he gets into his car, I park and walk away. I notice that the van and two cars that were ahead of me are still driving around like they are attached to some tediously slow carousel.
I reflected. How often do we, as mature, educated adults stop to consider reciprocity at work? The ethic of reciprocity appears in the philosophies of ancient Babylon, Egypt, Persia, India, Greece, Judea and China. More recently Patrick Lencioni has written about the 'Reciprocity of Trust', Robert Cialdini makes reference to the 'Rule of Reciprocation' an universal tendency in humans to feel compelled to reciprocate.
Here's a challenge for next week - whenever you read this. Look for at least one opportunity to help someone at work, a 'random act of kindness' if you will. Remember to reciprocate when someone does something helpful for you. Understand what you did and how it helped them. You will both benefit from it.
Why not share what happened to you, it would be great to read how you have built trust and relationships and become more effective at work.
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