The Practice of Choosing Better. Why you still choose an Oreo, when you could have a delicious sugar free prebiotic bar, that makes you better.
Angela Shurina
Translating business KPIs into effective culture strategy. We help large innovation-focused companies build high-performing, change-capable culture to drive operational efficiency, max ROI of time, talent, technology.
It’s great to know what to eat!
To have all this great information available at your fingertips (or simply “Hey, Google…”). Information on how to eat better, live better, look better, feel better, hack yourself and upgrade your life at any moment in time instantaneously! Except, very little changes for the majority of people in real life. People try new things, new healthy foods, new diets, new lifestyle hacks, and then, after a week of shared on social media enthusiasm, we all get back to our old and convenient habits, to shopping at our favorite store, to buying our favorite foods, that kind of work for us, it might not be the best choice — but we are all OK with not living our BEST LIFE being our ABSOLUTE BEST SELVES — what does it even mean, right?
We are OK! We are FINE!
We tend to fall back to our defaults, to familiar choices, anytime, when there is too much information, when a different choice requires more thinking, requires more time and energy, requires more … (Who has it?) — we decide, that what we have is good enough and it works just fine. That’s how our brain works — trying to save energy, to save time, to save resources, keeping us warm and safe, still operating with caveman settings, when food was sparse, and something could kill us at any moment.
Do you know how people become obese?
Get heart disease, that leads to heart failure?
How people develop cancers?
Autoimmune disorders, that stay for life?
It doesn’t happen, because once you ate a bag of French fries. In fact, eating a bag of French fries won’t feel that much different from what you usually do. You won’t die or get sick. But then you eat one more. And one more. You add other snacks on top of that, because that’s the kind of thing you eat now. From time to time, of course. You start eating less vegetables and other nutritious “boring” foods, because you are not that hungry for them (eating all the snacks at the same time). And you don’t feel that much of a difference day-to-day. You don’t see that much of a difference. Until you are 50 pounds overweight, barely breathing after climbing a flight of stairs.
Right now, in our modern world reality, if you don’t make a conscious effort to design a better-for-you nutrition and a lifestyle plan — you’ll get sick, old and fatigued, and your life will not get anywhere good — I promise you that. Fat, sick and nearly dead — that’s where you’re heading.
That’s why I dedicate so much content to making better eating easier for you -helping you make better choices, sharing all the vast information I absorb on a daily basis with you as simple tips — how to shop, how to cook, how to get maximum essential-for-life nutrients on your plate every day. I dedicate a lot of my content to helping you put better-for-you habits on autopilot. Like making healthy eating choices your to-go default choices by surrounding yourself with more of what you want to eat, getting around people who do what you want to do, making better choices first thing in the morning to make it stick for the rest of the day. I share with you my own practice of easy nutritious cooking, that saves you time, gives you energy, making you look better, feel better, giving you maximum nutrition from all the foods you buy and eat. It’s not enough to just buy “healthy” foods — you need to know what to buy, how to store it, how to cook and eat it — practical nutrition, that’s what I’m sharing with you guys. Because I don’t want you to know more, you can use Google for that, or Wiki — I want you to DO more! And the most advanced AI can’t help you with that just yet. Another human being with enough passion, knowledge, experience and care might.
This week I released podcasts to help you get maximum nutrition from your vegetables, fruits, herbs and greens, cooked meals. Did you know, you can be losing up to 100% of vitamins, minerals, other nutrients and health benefits by improper cooking and eating? When you don’t know how to pick or store your food?
You might be honestly trying to do your very best to eat healthy, still falling short, wasting money, wasting time, wasting energy — losing your health and years of your productive life.
This week on FOOD SCHOOL PODCAST I also talked about conditioning your brain (using very little to none willpower) to make better-for-you eating and lifestyle habits — like choosing to eat more veggies and fruit instead of candies, or choosing to work out instead of watching another hour of Netflix at night not being able to wake up early enough for the morning workout, the workout, that would help you make better choices for the rest of your day… if you actually did.
The brain is lazy and that’s why you make poor food and health choices. How to fix it.
Learn to buy, cook and eat your veggies to maximize nutrition. Or keep wasting money.
Are you losing most of the nutrition through cooking? My TOP 3 nutritious cooking tips!
I made a few videos, where I shared with you my daily life routines and habits. I don’t have iron willpower — I design my life so that my default choices are good-for-you choices. I shared my TOP cooking tips to get maximum nutrition from your cooking. I shared my weekly grocery shopping routine, and why I believe you need to shop once a week (but not cook once a week). Short, sweet, very practical — save time, save money, eat better, feel and look better!
It’s great that we have all this information!
That our nutrition and health sciences move with extraordinary speeds!
That there are passionate scientists and coaches spreading the knowledge!
It is absolutely amazing! We never knew before, in the whole history of humanity, more about how to be the healthiest version of self!
But at the end of the day we are still humans. Humans, that don’t make the best decisions — the easiest instead. Humans, that are super mindless about our eating habits. Eating whatever is put in front of us — just because it’s there. Eating more candy, just because it’s out there in our office, or offered at a checkout, or at a reception desk, just because someone said, “Have one while waiting”, just because it’s free, just because your friend is having one, just because it’s Sunday. Humans, that fall short from making decisions in our best interests, just because there is no one dying of diabetes in front of us, or dying from eating snacks with trans fats. (Trans fats kill 500 000 people annually, according to the World Health Organization).
My BIG mission in life is to make better-for-you food choices — the easiest choices.
For now, while getting there, I’ll do my best to simplify and make those choices easier, helping you sift through all the information you can Google, helping you find meaningful data, that makes a difference in your life, helping you to apply it daily in a simple, human way, without getting a degree in nutrition science, or bulletproofing your willpower muscle.
Stay tuned! Eat better!
MY FREE 10-day e-mail course — HEALTH. FOUNDATION SERIES. — you’ll have more health, energy and fitness in 2019 than ever before!