The Practicality of Florida Prenuptial Agreements: What to Do Before You Say “I Do”
One the question is popped and the answer is “yes” a newly engaged couple has a lot to think about beside planning a wedding. And beside the venue for the Big Day and the honeymoon destination discussing a prenuptial agreement often tread on sensitive ground. Yet, in the sunshine state of Florida, these legal documents offer couples an invaluable tool for safeguarding their financial futures. Let’s delve into why Florida prenuptial agreements are not just practical but indeed beneficial for couples embarking on the journey of marriage.
One of the primary purposes of a prenuptial agreement in Florida is to delineate the division of assets in the event of divorce. Florida law follows the principle of equitable distribution, meaning assets acquired during the marriage are typically divided fairly, but not necessarily equally, between spouses. However, with a prenuptial agreement, couples can specify how assets will be divided, providing clarity and potentially avoiding lengthy and contentious legal battles down the road.
In Florida, spousal support, also known as alimony, is awarded based on various factors, including the duration of the marriage and the financial circumstances of each spouse. However, a prenuptial agreement can preemptively address alimony, allowing couples to decide whether it will be awarded and, if so, under what terms. This can offer both parties peace of mind by eliminating uncertainty surrounding potential financial obligations in the event of divorce.
For individuals who own businesses or hold professional practices, a prenuptial agreement can be especially crucial. Without such an agreement, these assets could be subject to division during divorce proceedings, potentially jeopardizing the viability of the business or practice. By outlining protections for these assets in a prenuptial agreement, couples can mitigate the risk of business disruption and ensure the continued success of their endeavors.
Prenuptial agreements in Florida can also address issues related to estate planning and inheritance. Let’s face it, prenuptials are often “suggested” by the parents of an engaged couple to protect family assets that one of the parties may inherit.? ?By ?specifying how assets will be distributed upon death, couples can ensure that their wishes are carried out and that their loved ones are provided for according to their intentions.
A prenuptial agreement does not just address issues of divorce.? Absent a prenuptial agreement, even if the parties live a long and happy life together, if one of the parties wants to preserve their assets for children not born of the marriage and leaves a spouse less than a third of their estate, a surviving spouse is entitled to “elect against the will” and receive one third of the decedent spouse’s estate even if a will says to the contrary.? ?A prenuptial agreement can avoid this unintended consequence.
Preservation of Privacy:
Divorce proceedings are often public matters, with court records accessible to anyone. However, with a prenuptial agreement, couples can keep the details of their financial arrangements private, sparing themselves and their families from unnecessary scrutiny and preserving their privacy during what can already be a challenging time.
In Summary:
While the idea of discussing a prenuptial agreement may seem unromantic, in reality, it is a practical step that can offer numerous benefits to couples in Florida. By addressing financial matters upfront, couples can establish clear expectations, protect their assets, and secure their future together. Ultimately, a well-crafted prenuptial agreement can provide peace of mind and lay the groundwork for a strong and stable marriage built on trust and transparency.
The Family Law Offices of Cindy S. Vova, P.A. is a boutique law firm that can help you ?craft a prenuptial agreement? that meets your particular needs.