Practical use of EDC in business: advertising business

In today's article we will look at the integration of EDCblockchain into the advertising sector and its benefits.

We live in the age of high technology and service. the amount of incoming information exceeds our ability to perceive it. accordingly, the struggle for the client goes to a new level. advertising from dull and clumsy turns into highly intellectual and barely distinguishable from the context of information consumed.

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To make this happen, hundreds and thousands of professionals had to work very hard to quietly and imperceptibly influence our minds and move us towards the purchase of one or another product or service. this is a very important delicate and sometimes invisible to the familiar eye work. and as in any trade, it does not do without the appropriate tools to facilitate and simplify the life of a professional.

In today's article we will look at the benefits for advertisers of EDCblockchain implementation in the advertising sector.

The first and most obvious advantage is the purchase and purchase of advertising on advertising sites through smart contracts, as with increasing demand for advertising more and more often appeared unscrupulous sellers of advertising who replace live views and clicks with synthetic (screwed up by bots), which respectively do not have any use for the buyer. accordingly, it is wasted advertising budget.

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Collecting and storing all of your target audience information - in today's advertising world, knowing your customer by sight makes a whole different difference. this is no longer a privilege. the more accurate and clear a portrait of a potential customer you have, the more accurately you can customize your campaign and get a better return on your investment. in this particular effort to collect and analyze customer information and behavioral factors, you and I will benefit from EDCblockchain's integrated Bigdate technology.

Distributed architecture of blockchain EDCblockchain will allow to save all received information and also all full history of your advertising purchases without any risk of its loss. it will also make possible access to advertising resources from any point of the world. it makes work of the advertiser easy and easy and allows to work from there where it will be most convenient even from the office with palm trees.

Blockchain of EDCblockchain project makes all wiring absolutely transparent, which allows you to see in real time where and on what your advertising budget is spent and vice versa

When using the anonymous payment service this will allow you to make your advertising campaign classified in case you bring to the market a completely new product or use non-standard approaches to protect against industrial espionage of your competitors, you can use this technology to make a closed advertising campaign and keep secret the advertising technologies used.

Also worthy of special attention is the built-in coin designer - for advertising campaigns it is just an indispensable thing! It allows you to bring advertising technology to a whole new level - the level of blockchain. from the release of banal spam tokens to the release of blockchain flyers that can then be exchanged for products.

Spam - spam tokens are issued and sent to all existing addresses. Due to the low commission for sending this advertising company is low-budget. All users are guaranteed to receive your advertising token and pay attention to your product.

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Advertising - blockchain flyer - are produced advertising tokens and distributed to everyone, then the owners come with these tokens and change them to real goods and services. everything is quite simple and transparent. there is no need to print flyers on expensive paper and order their distribution through promoters, which, in addition, can scheturite.

Join in the change in the advertising market with EDCblockchain. All links are at the end of this article. The choice is always yours!

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